"An Open Letter To Morrissey" by John Robb - Louder Than War

Jagger hasn't taken drugs since the 70's. His face has wrinkles because...um, he's 75. He can run circles around Morrissey, who barely even moves on stage anymore.

I actually find it embarrassing when people act that way when that old. It is a swedish thing to feel that way.

Thank you for being you. The world is a mess, but it would be so much worse if you were not in it. Not only do you contribute the most awesome music, but your character is so great. You have strong morals, you're outspoken, witty, cool, smart, and you never retreat from the fake-ass hypocrites who feel threatened by how right on you are. I love your books and videos too. Keep it up! You are a hero to the animals too and the carnivorous hypocrites can't deal with it! GO, MOZ, GO!


Yes, but again this letter sees the light of day based on the bad, biased press and not because of anything Morrissey has done or said, because he's said the same 'worrying' things for over 25 years now.
It would be much more refreshing to write a letter of support especially since he says he enjoys his latest recorded output. Isn't that all that matters? Why jump on the anti-Moz-bandwagon then?
Cause that's what he is seemingly doing, thus adding insult to injury.
This DH makes music? FFS what catastrophe that must be, I thought he was just
your regular blog dork.
Quite a lot of this type of thing appearing online at the moment.
Here's one that dares to go the other direction for a bit of balance (which is not indicative of any view on my own part - said to help the knee-jerkers):

For non-Facebook types:
"The collective hysteria that continues to grip those who appear to not be concerned about anything else in life other than what Morrissey is thinking, saying, or doing at any given moment, and how they can weave it into their tired ‘far-right racist’ narrative shows no sign of petering out anytime soon.

Like the fires sweeping across the North West, which, no sooner doused spring up anew, every interview or announcement given and made only serve to create further flare-ups along with a blanket of thick smoke that obscures anything resembling rational thought or reasoned discussion, and leaves everyone flapping around in a sea of conjecture dressed up as fact, and opinion served up as truth.

While a fraction of those paying attention to the ongoing melee are prepared to do their own research and arrive at their own conclusions, as opposed to choosing a side from the outset and becoming ever more entrenched in their positions, regardless of anything anyone else may say, most are serving their own agendas, with those who never miss an opportunity to savage Morrissey shouting the loudest and most often in an attempt to drown out anyone who may suggest that, behind the faux outrage and the genuine dismay, there’s another story that very few are prepared to acknowledge.

It’s undoubtedly true, as Morrissey has pointed out, that the traditional ideas of left-wing/right-wing no longer apply, just as the term ‘racist’ can no longer be used with the same abandon it previously was in order to drown out unpalatable truths, and tarnish the reputation of those who have chosen to shine a light on the murky corners of British society, where unscrupulous operators have conducted their nefarious activities with impunity for too long, aided and abetted by corrupt and self-serving Politicians from Blair’s New Labour, to their natural heirs in the current Tory Party.

It’s far from apparent to me that For Britain are a ‘far-right’ Party, or that Tommy Robinson is a racist or ‘hate-preacher’. Having conducted extensive research , I’ve concluded that virtually everything I was told about these people, or led to believe, came from an unreliable source, from the British Establishment and their lackeys in the media, who have a vested interest in keeping the British people ignorant regarding their true agenda. Of course whenever we mention topics of this nature, however careful we are regarding the language we use, we run the risk of being pilloried by the under-educated and the over-bearing alike, who will employ social media to destroy the reputations and careers of those who speak up and speak out.

I’m of the traditional Left, and an ardent Corbyn supporter, who has actively canvassed for Jeremy’s Labour Party since he was elected Party Leader, and NOTHING that Morrissey has said has caused me any consternation. What has caused me great sadness, and continues to both disappoint and infuriate in equal measures, are the constant attacks and misrepresentations on and regarding Morrissey and his opinions, which have been woefully and wilfully misunderstood and distorted beyond all recognition.

Thanks in part to Dave Haslam’s despicable opportunism and the unrelenting bleatings of the ‘ex-fans’ whipped into a frenzy by the ill-informed opinions and disingenuous commentary from those who have only ever wished him ill, it now seems highly unlikely we’ll ever see Morrissey grace the stage of a UK venue again, and who could blame him for focussing his attentions on his loyal fan bases in the US and around the world to whom the rantings and ravings of the easily led and the overfed in the UK are met with puzzled bemusement.

For Man’s grim Justice goes its way
And will not swerve aside
It slays the weak, it slays the strong,
It has a deadly stride
With iron heel it slays the strong,
The monstrous parricide!

The Ballad of Reading Gaol - Oscar Wilde"


thanks FWD for posting this Facebook post, is 'balance' allowed here ? :lbf: won't make the front page though.

"The collective hysteria that continues to grip those who appear to not be concerned about anything else in life other than what Morrissey is thinking, saying, or doing at any given moment, and how they can weave it into their tired ‘far-right racist’ narrative shows no sign of petering out anytime soon.

Like the fires sweeping across the North West, which, no sooner doused spring up anew, every interview or announcement given and made only serve to create further flare-ups along with a blanket of thick smoke that obscures anything resembling rational thought or reasoned discussion, and leaves everyone flapping around in a sea of conjecture dressed up as fact, and opinion served up as truth.

While a fraction of those paying attention to the ongoing melee are prepared to do their own research and arrive at their own conclusions, as opposed to choosing a side from the outset and becoming ever more entrenched in their positions, regardless of anything anyone else may say, most are serving their own agendas, with those who never miss an opportunity to savage Morrissey shouting the loudest and most often in an attempt to drown out anyone who may suggest that, behind the faux outrage and the genuine dismay, there’s another story that very few are prepared to acknowledge.

It’s undoubtedly true, as Morrissey has pointed out, that the traditional ideas of left-wing/right-wing no longer apply, just as the term ‘racist’ can no longer be used with the same abandon it previously was in order to drown out unpalatable truths, and tarnish the reputation of those who have chosen to shine a light on the murky corners of British society, where unscrupulous operators have conducted their nefarious activities with impunity for too long, aided and abetted by corrupt and self-serving Politicians from Blair’s New Labour, to their natural heirs in the current Tory Party.

It’s far from apparent to me that For Britain are a ‘far-right’ Party, or that Tommy Robinson is a racist or ‘hate-preacher’. Having conducted extensive research , I’ve concluded that virtually everything I was told about these people, or led to believe, came from an unreliable source, from the British Establishment and their lackeys in the media, who have a vested interest in keeping the British people ignorant regarding their true agenda. Of course whenever we mention topics of this nature, however careful we are regarding the language we use, we run the risk of being pilloried by the under-educated and the over-bearing alike, who will employ social media to destroy the reputations and careers of those who speak up and speak out.

I’m of the traditional Left, and an ardent Corbyn supporter, who has actively canvassed for Jeremy’s Labour Party since he was elected Party Leader, and NOTHING that Morrissey has said has caused me any consternation. What has caused me great sadness, and continues to both disappoint and infuriate in equal measures, are the constant attacks and misrepresentations on and regarding Morrissey and his opinions, which have been woefully and wilfully misunderstood and distorted beyond all recognition.

Thanks in part to Dave Haslam’s despicable opportunism and the unrelenting bleatings of the ‘ex-fans’ whipped into a frenzy by the ill-informed opinions and disingenuous commentary from those who have only ever wished him ill, it now seems highly unlikely we’ll ever see Morrissey grace the stage of a UK venue again, and who could blame him for focussing his attentions on his loyal fan bases in the US and around the world to whom the rantings and ravings of the easily led and the overfed in the UK are met with puzzled bemusement.

For Man’s grim Justice goes its way
And will not swerve aside
It slays the weak, it slays the strong,
It has a deadly stride
With iron heel it slays the strong,
The monstrous parricide!

The Ballad of Reading Gaol - Oscar Wilde"

- Paul Blake
An even more open letter to Morrissey:

You're wonderful. f*** the totalitarian left.

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