Alternative Christmas Speech -

Re: New post on TTY Alternative Christmas Speech

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"8 December 2014

Alternative Christmas Speech

Morrissey has politely declined an invitation from Channel 4 Television to deliver an Alternative Christmas Day Speech which would be transmitted at the same time that the Queen delivers her Christmas Day speech for the BBC.

Morrissey has commented:

"My view that the monarchy should be quietly dismantled for the good of England is reasonably well-known, but I don't think Christmas Day is quite the time to be trading slaps. The Queen should be allowed the impassioned trance of her annual address to the British people, if only to once again prove that, in her frozen posture, she has nothing to offer and nothing to say, and she has no place in modern Britain except as a figure of repression; no independent thought required. The Queen very well might be the most powerful woman in England, but she lacks the power to make herself loved, and the phony inflation of her family attacks all rational intellect.
All over the world highly civilized peoples exist without the automatic condescension of a 'royal' family. England can do the same, and will find more respect for doing so.

Re: Post on TTY Alternative Christmas Speech

In fairness, this reads like standard station jargon - they've probably asked if he'd be interested - thus no firm offer and an easy way to affirm should he reject the chance, or the story leak out early.

"However, a spokesperson for Channel 4 has confirmed to NME that the station has extended no such offer to the former Smiths frontman. "We are not aware of any approach having been made to Morrissey to deliver Channel 4’s Alternative Christmas message," the spokesperson said in a statement. "

The story didn't 'leak out'. Morrissey gave birth to it. Now it would seem he's ** about the whole thing. I guess he has no option but to force them to retract or sue as their statement makes him out to be delusional. Presumably he had a firm offer from someone and wasn't just reacting to cocktail-party gossip backstage? It's up to him now to clarify who made the offer and when. Or look even more of a plonker.

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Re: Post on TTY Alternative Christmas Speech

I did say "should he reject the chance, or the story leak out early"

You are spot on, in that he is the one who has leaked it (or made it up entirely if you believe that to be the case)
I'm only posturing that they could have potentially sounded him out, and of course decided not to bother with him, prior to his statement release, or that they sounded him out and he rejected the opportunity, as opposed to the offer - in such circumstances stations wouldn't tend to broadcast their rejections - hence why they enquire about availability prior to any actual offer.

From years of following the man, I'd guess they potentially shortlisted him, then decided his profile wasn't nearly good enough - and this is his comeback to attempt to seem more relevant.

The notion that he could have had the nation before him, but turned it down is somewhat difficult to digest - but of course - it's all possible, no matter how improbable.
Re: Post on TTY Alternative Christmas Speech

I did say "should he reject the chance, or the story leak out early"

You are spot on, in that he is the one who has leaked it (or made it up entirely if you believe that to be the case)
I'm only posturing that they could have potentially sounded him out, and of course decided not to bother with him, prior to his statement release, or that they sounded him out and he rejected the opportunity, as opposed to the offer - in such circumstances stations wouldn't tend to broadcast their rejections - hence why they enquire about availability prior to any actual offer.

From years of following the man, I'd guess they potentially shortlisted him, then decided his profile wasn't nearly good enough - and this is his comeback to attempt to seem more relevant.

The notion that he could have had the nation before him, but turned it down is somewhat difficult to digest - but of course - it's all possible, no matter how improbable.

Presumably he'll now clarify what led him to believe he'd been invited. I must admit I was surprised. He'd have a hard job topping Edward Snowden!

Re: Post on TTY Alternative Christmas Speech

Just because one famous survivor of the Holocaust shares an opinion does not make him the spokesperson for all others. There are far more who have taken offense to the analogy.

Reliable data (with sources), please, or I'm calling FBE.
Re: Morrissey bottles it....

I enjoy a lot of what you say. But surely for Morrissey to speak of anti-Monarchism and animal rights on Channel 4 would also be considered 'preaching to the converted'. Much better to get him a slot on Saturday's National Lottery show.
Re: Post on TTY Alternative Christmas Speech

Oh, I see. Wouldn't hurt for you to read that site page, regardless. Information is a good thing.

I was already in agreement with the point that you made, but I had a look at the page anyway. It contains no reliable empirical data and I remain convinced of the truth of what you said by way of faith, alone. I'm quite content with that (for now, at least) since the contrary assertion seems obviously to be wrong.
Re: Post on TTY Alternative Christmas Speech

I was already in agreement with the point that you made, but I had a look at the page anyway. It contains no reliable empirical data and I remain convinced of the truth of what you said by way of faith, alone. I'm quite content with that (for now, at least) since the contrary assertion seems obviously to be wrong.

The ADL which is comprised of Holocaust survivors and their ancestors holds the opinion that comparing factory farm abuses to the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany is not only erroneous but in poor taste. I agree.
Re: Post on TTY Alternative Christmas Speech

The ADL which is comprised of Holocaust survivors and their ancestors holds the opinion that comparing factory farm abuses to the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany is not only erroneous but in poor taste. I agree.

Does the ADL constitute a representative sample of all Holocaust survivors? If so, how do you know?
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