A true Julia Riley story (cross posted from 5oct04 concert comments)

LMFAO broken hahahaha

I almost fell off my chair laughing!

you've got colleen nailed LMFAO

> She just won't let it drop will she?

> "I'm happy security finally moved her bony ass"

> Ah, I didn't realise Colleen was grossly obese. This explains a lot. She's
> jealous not only of Julia's closeness to MOz and the stage udirng shows,
> but her enviable figure too!

> "She's a selfish bitch, and her pal Mozzer should know better"

> rough translation: "I wish I had her f***ing money, I'd do exactly
> what she does. Lucky cow. I wish Mozza mentioned my name at shows, instead
> I'm stuck here in my mobile home. What's that smell? (calls to boyfriend)
> Is that you, darling? (mutters) Or is the septic tank leaking again?"
This story is repeated time and time again
Re: This account seems VERY truthful

From the 5th row I can tell you that Julia was escorted out of the front row by security IN CHAINS! (All true except for the part in caps.)

> I was 6 or 7 rows back and saw this all go down. The original post is
> truthful.
> I can well believe it Bored.
> Glad to see someone else who isn't scared to speak their mind on here.
> Something similar happened to me. She seems to think its her
> "right" to sit or stand wherever she feels like.

Dont you people get it? Moz gets a woody over all of this arguing and jealousy about him, so he'll..
> Julia is well known for this, as is that Irish bloke. They let themselves
> down with this behaviour. It's no wonder they get a slagging off.....
Which Irish bloke do you mean though?I know of two although I have a feeling that we are thinking of the same one.
Let's not forget the Scottish Dog Guy/Hugh/Morrissey the 23rd. He's a good guy though, and I admire his pluck. But he pushes and so on. (JULIA DOESN'T.)
Umm, but you know that if you go to a Moz concert, everyone moves forward when he comes out though right? My question is, if you had front row, why did you not go up to the stage when the show started, as most people, especially those in the first few rows, do? I understand what you are saying, really. But I have been in the front row for many, many Moz shows, and that's just someting that you will usually have to deal with, is a free-for-all for the stage/barrier when the show starts....

> People often say they are sick of Julia and many people say that she is
> really nice. In the past, I have on many occasions defended her. I now
> have a complaint about her. A true story of what she does.

> For this show I had front row center seats. I paid $300 for them. When I
> got to my seats right before Imperfect List, there was 4 people in the
> seats next to mine, Julia and three friends. I said hello and got a smile.

> About a minute later a bunch of people came down to get their seats. The
> seats these four people were in. The staff asked them to leave. The guy
> from Dublin quickly moved out of the way. One of the girls said that she
> was on the guest list and that was why she didn't have a seat. I told her
> that I've been on guest lists before and you get a specific seat and if
> she couldn't provide proof she was going to have to move. They basically
> tried to stand in front of me and my girlfriend between the front row and
> the stage. I told them they were going to have to move. The venue security
> asked them to provide tickets and they again said they were on the guest
> list. During this time I told Julia at least 10 times that she was going
> to need to move. Every time I said it, her response was "It’s ok.
> Just relax."

> Finally, when she was forced to leave the area and the big security guard
> on Boz’s side came over and told the venue security to let her drop back a
> bit and come up when the show started. I told him, "I know who she is
> and I know she's on the guest list but I paid $300 to sit here and she is
> not coming back into my section." He said it wouldn't be a problem.
> As it turns out, the two seats on the other side of front row center were
> empty so once the lights went down, the four of them crowded into those
> two seats. I was glad they weren't on my side but I felt bad for the
> people in the seats next to them who had to deal with being crowded all
> night by people who did not belong there.

> To me, Julia is an incredibly selfish person. I only asked her to respect
> the fact that I paid a lot of money to have the place in the venue that I
> had and she refused to move. When she did move from in front of me, she
> moved in front of my girlfriend. It is sad that I even had to have
> security move her. My anger was quite clear and she was content with
> saying to relax over and over until the show started thinking I wouldn't
> do anything and she would basically take my seat.

> Julia may be a very nice person when she is not trying to be in the front
> row but when offered the choice of showing class or selfishness, she
> chooses the latter without shame, at least inside any venue that Morrissey
> is performing in.
> Which Irish bloke do you mean though?I know of two although I have a
> feeling that we are thinking of the same one.

An exiled dubliner with a poxy quiff

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