There are plenty of fantastic shops, the whole beautiful world over, to dig for records. 10 years ago - around my area - there were near none left. Now, the heads have spoken and there are plenty popping up. Each in their own unique fashion. It’s a treasure-trove for those who actually dig.
If you can’t find them, you’re not looking in the right place. Try You may pay dearly for shipping but you’ll get what you need!
I don’t know about people who collect Morrissey records, exclusively. I do know about record collectors with a wide breadth and depth in their musical tastes.
If you’re into wax, the only thing helpful that I can possibly impart is...
Stay the f*** away from tiny-minded bubble-dwellers who try to tell you it’s not possible, when they just don’t know shit about what they’re on about.
Happy collecting. With all the bravado and fakery, the score is a true joy.