34, clumsy, and shy


New Member
I just wanted to introduce myself - I've always been a long time reader, but always a little shy to post.

My name is Denise and I have the privilege of writing a book about Morrissey for BackBeat Boooks/Hal Leonard publishing. It's called Morrissey FAQ and it's an in depth reference book filled with facts and information mixed with a little humor. It's been a bit of a challenge - after all, there's just SO much that can be written about Morrissey. Of course it wont be able to hold a candle to Autobiography, but I plan on doing the best I can.

I just wanted to say that this page has been a great help in recent weeks. Although I know a great deal about Morrissey, I've had to research a few obscure facts and sure enough, this board has had the answer and them some. Everyone on this board has an incredible wealth of information and I love how it's truly an online community. Now that I've broken the ice, I plan on contributing and sharing anything and everything to do with Moz :)

- DM

Morrissey FAQ Book: http://www.halleonard.com/product/viewproduct.do?itemid=122449&lid=39&keywords=faq&subsiteid=1&
Morrissey FAQ Book Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MorrisseyFAQBook
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