$300,000 loss claimed by promoter Colors due to cancelled Morrissey concerts in Peru

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An anonymous person writes:

Apparently the promoters have lost $300,000 due to Moz cancelling - who is 'uninsurable' due to his health problems - and are trying to get their money back. Good luck with that.

Empresa que trajo a Morrissey a Lima ha perdido hasta ahora US$ 300 mil - El Comercio.pe

Google translate to English link. Excerpt:

Colors CFO also said he did not hire insurance because the singer "is not insurable health problems"

That Morrissey decided to cancel two performances that were pending in Lima resulted in major economic loss for Colors, the company responsible for the arrival of the British singer to our country. Cristian Pereira, chief financial officer of the institution, said that so far the amount of losses amounting to $ 300,000.

"I have not the final figure. People Megashow, company hired to do the show from Morrissey in Peru, is seeing that in Lima. However, the loss costs: subject to lease by the Jockey Club, hotel, transfers, taxes ..., comes to $ 300,000. In Chile the tax paid to the artist only if it sings, but if you do not cancel your submission. Instead in Peru we had to cancel the income tax and all that belonged to Morrissey could SUNAT to leave Peru.

Several versions are shuffled about canceling Morrissey shows in Lima. It is said that he refused to sing because doctors did not give due attention when intoxicated, also unsold tickets for their performances in Lima. What really happened?
The information I use is that on Saturday night the artist went to lunch at a place recommended by us and not part of their team was bad. Then doctors in Lima who treated him did not get the best treatment and dehydration produced a kind of artist. However, what I can categorically deny is that the artist would have refused to sing for low input. We had the tickets sold for the two presentations.

Morrissey came wrong for some time, and had canceled performances in other countries and the possibility of it happening again was latent. Why not hire insurance?
That issue was our concern. When hired as Morrissey company, we wanted to take out insurance and we noticed with surprise that he is uninsurable by the health problems you have. However, we risk.

Do you evaluate Morrissey sue for the cancellation of their shows?
We could have taken legal action against his people, but he wanted to do because we want to maintain a good relationship with the artist and it would cancel all shows missing. We will ask the agent Morrissey to reimburse us the money we gave him, because as you know any artist out of the country if not canceled. The loss is huge.

What is strange is that they have canceled the two dates only Morrissey had planned in Peru, as in Chile postponed seven shows will take place on the last leg of the South American tour.
Not so. In Chile have confirmed only five performances, were canceled both. The first will be on August 8 and the last on 23 March. We're really sorry with what happened, also with a great pressure on social networks Peru people basureado us, especially for being Chilean entrepreneurs. And this is not good because as Colors, we focus on Peru.
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Okay, so let us agree that the translations are inaccurate. However, it is quite plausible that the promoter took a huge risk (if this is all true) that Morrissey could not be insured due to his health concerns.

Why not build into the contract that Morrissey signs that requires repayment or at least a portion of the fees paid to Morrissey and the venues, hotels, etc., in case of a cancellation? Either the promoters made a huge mistake or they are not too bright--or we do not have all of the facts and this speculation is off base.

Bottom line: Morrissey has really become a risk for any promoter--here in U.S. or elsewhere. It's not like he is on top of his game and selling millions of albums. Perhaps if he reevaluated himself as a person and artist and earned some respect and credibility back, things would be different.
Maybe the entire responsible of this shithole is the peruvian restaurant called La Trattoria http://www.labodegadelatrattoria.com/ Here in Peru we will organize to all people who are interested to protest against this place and demand to the owner Sandra Plevisani.
Who cares if someone named the restaurant or owner? You could have just as well asked, what is everyone else on this thread expecting to happen, just because they all have their own .02 cents to give, and are speculating away as usual, on something that doesn't concern them in the slightest? Morrissey's contractual details are none of anyone's business, they are also not known to you, so what is the point in everyone having an opinion, without the knowing the full score on any of these subjects at all? Just adding more fuel to the fire, as always. And as for the person who tried to imply that because a poor, automated, online translator, gave the literal translation for "intoxication" as exactly that, is no more reason to start the alcohol consumption comments again. The word used in Spanish was "intoxication", because the issue at hand is FOOD INTOXICATION. I do sometimes wonder why I bother. The people who have wished him well and who have commented positively in any way shape, or form, have as usual, been drowned out by the loud stomping of feet of silly children, who are incapable of doing anything at all, but hurling rocks and playground insults. I guess many of those people are terribly sure that they don't live in glass houses. Disgusting. In conclusion, if a fair few people on this site spent even HALF as much time commenting on their own shortcomings, as they do on the ones they imagine for Morrissey, the world would be a far better place. But I think that might be too big of a problem for some people to take on. Probably best to focus again on learning how to tie those shoes first. Practice makes perfect. GOOD LUCK. A lot of you definitely need it.

And as for the person who tried to imply that because a poor, automated, online translator, gave the literal translation for "intoxication" as exactly that, is no more reason to start the alcohol consumption comments again. The word used in Spanish was "intoxication", because the issue at hand is FOOD INTOXICATION.

No. The word was "intoxicated", which if you asked one hundred English people for its meaning, would be considered to mean drunk by perhaps, oh, all of them. That's why I asked the question. That's why I asked what connotations it had in Spanish. What you are actually doing is attacking me for asking the question you then answered. Good work.

I do sometimes wonder why I bother.

Me too.

Edited to be slightly less aggressive in tone.
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None of this is of any of our concern. Once again, speculation - nothing more.
No. The word was "intoxicated", which if you asked one hundred English people for its meaning, would be considered to mean drunk by perhaps, oh, all of them. That's why I asked the question. That's why I asked what connotations it had in Spanish. What you are actually doing is attacking me for asking the question you then answered. Good work.

Me too.

Edited to be slightly less aggressive in tone.

The Spanish translation for Food poisoning is: intoxicación alimentaria.

The word, intoxicación, means (in this circumstance) "poison" in Spanish. Leave it. You try to make something out of nothing all the time.
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Whilst obviously wary of translation issues etc one thing that does not surprise me from this is the fact that Morrissey is in effect uninsurable
Working in the industry I have wondered as to wheher it was possible for Moz to get insurance to cover cancellation etc given his history of cancelling dates
I'm shedding as many tears for the promoters as I do for the bookies who get fleeced when a big favourite ropms home
It's a risky business especially with no insurance in place but that's the name of the game
I read the interview as that they've paid some money up front - think they will regret that

Unfortunately I can't see many promoters taking chance with more Moz tours - if he is fit enough to carry on touring ( which has got to be up for debate) then who would take the risk??
The Spanish translation for Food poisoning is: intoxicación alimentaria.

The word, intoxicación, means (in this circumstance) "poison" in Spanish. Leave it. You try to make something out of nothing all the time.

And in English intoxicated means drunk. Hence my initial question, which was just that, a question, and nothing else. Here is the post...

"Several versions are shuffled about canceling Morrissey shows in Lima. It is said that he refused to sing because doctors did not give due attention when intoxicated, also unsold tickets for their performances in Lima."

Presumably this has been lost in translation and is perhaps referring to his food poisoning. Any native Spanish speakers here able to clear this up?

Perfectly valid, whether you like it or not, and that's the real nub here isn't it? You don't like him to be even questioned. Morrissey as tin god.

It is a great irony that Morrissey, a republican, is treated by some here with this lèse majesté, regardless of his behaviour, and that so many who laud his mastery of the English language struggle to comprehend the simplest aspect of that very same language themselves.
And in English intoxicated means drunk. Hence my initial question, which was just that, a question, and nothing else. Here is the post...

Perfectly valid, whether you like it or not, and that's the real nub here isn't it? You don't like him to be even questioned. Morrissey as tin god.

It is a great irony that Morrissey, a republican, is treated by some here with this lèse majesté, regardless of his behaviour, and that so many who laud his mastery of the English language struggle to comprehend the simplest aspect of that very same language themselves.

That might have meant he wouldn't sing because he didn't get medical attention in due time - because he was sick from food poisoning.

I don't care whether you think I want him to be questioned or not, or if I see him as a "tin God" or whatever. The meaning, I believe, was lost in translation. Your personal evaluation of my character is your opinion and completely false. But, go ahead and believe what you will. I really don't care.
That might have meant he wouldn't sing because he didn't get medical attention in due time - because he was sick from food poisoning.

I don't care whether you think I want him to be questioned or not, or if I see him as a "tin God" or whatever. The meaning, I believe, was lost in translation. Your personal evaluation of my character is your opinion and completely false. But, go ahead and believe what you will. I really don't care.

Why are you posting on this subject? You've already told us it is nobody's concern.
Why are you posting on this subject? You've already told us it is nobody's concern.

I said, "our concern" That would mean you as well. Nobody.

You love it that Morrissey is being accused of being an alcoholic. Just as much as I dislike it. You like to stir the pot while I like to let things simmer. We don't know what happened because none of us were there. As I said, this is all speculation. But, see, your brain is stuck on the word "intoxicated" even though I've already given you examples of what it could have meant. But, in true Barleycorn fashion, the only thing you know to do with a Morrissey fan who can think outside the box here on solo is push me aside and think of me as a raging sycophant.
Yes, these are contractual issues. We interested fans have not read any contracts signed between the applicable parties, have we? We don't know how Moz intends to respond to the claim. So why speculate? It's silly. Isn't this kind of speculation on whether or not Mozzer breached a contract what got him angry with this web site in the first place? :doh:

Now, Moz could put me on retainer to help him with his legal issues, but I know he never will. :sleeping:

- - - Updated - - -

Possibly, but who would be daft enough to agree to that given recent incidents? The promoters of Brazil, Chile and Argentina will be sitting on one arse cheek until the moment he steps on stage.
Not really. Perhaps the person (not me) is spotting a legal issue, suggesting that personal injuries and financial losses may have been proximately caused by the negligence of another.

That's just tacky...
I don't see the penne on the menu. Yuck, why are they putting dairy and meat in the pasta? I don't know anyone who would eat traditional chorizo knowing vegan chorizo is available. I hope the tagliatelle isn't made with egg because that's stupid. Yuck! :sick:

Tagliatelle alla Toscana con pollito grillado y champignons a la crema.
Spaghetti all' Aglio e Olio ajos dorados en aceite de oliva con un toque de picante.
Spaghetti Ugo pesto de tomate seco al aglio e olio.
Spaghetti Al Tiro prosciutto picado, pimientos rojos y albahaca fresca.
Gnocchi gratinados a los 4 quesos: fontina, gouda gorgonzola y parmesano.
Tagliatelle al Ragú alla Bolognese.
Tagliatelle con Langostinos alla francesa.
Rigatoni alla Norcina chorizo, champignons, crema y cebollitas caramelizadas.

Maybe the entire responsible of this shithole is the peruvian restaurant called La Trattoria http://www.labodegadelatrattoria.com/ Here in Peru we will organize to all people who are interested to protest against this place and demand to the owner Sandra Plevisani.

Brilliant :-)
Not really. Perhaps the person (not me) is spotting a legal issue, suggesting that personal injuries and financial losses may have been proximately caused by the negligence of another.

And that has what to do with anyone on this site? :lbf:

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