3 new live dates summary (Manchester July 7, Berlin July 15, Sweden July 19)

Does that say when tickets are on sale?

Allgemeiner Vorverkaufsstart: Fr., 25.05.2018, 10:00 Uhr
Ticket-Hotline: 01806 – 999 0000 (Mo-Fr 8-22 Uhr / Wochenende u. Feiertage 9-20 Uhr)
(0,20 Euro/Anruf aus dem dt. Festnetz, max. 0,60 Euro/Anruf aus dem dt. Mobilfunknetz)

Ticket-Hotline: 01806 – 57 00 00
(0,20 Euro/Anruf aus dem dt. Festnetz, max. 0,60 Euro/Anruf aus dem dt. Mobilfunknetz)
Another name for a pre-sale ticket, ie: on sale before the release date for the general public.
So some people were able to buy their tickets before everyone else just because they pay for a certain mobile plan? Seems a bit unfair to me :squiffy:
Thanks for the info, though. I, a lowly peasant who doesn't even speak German, will have to wait until tomorrow to get mine..

Repeat post from singular Germany thread.
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