The latest episode of the ‘Morrissey and Wine’ podcast features an interview with an old friend of Moz, Ian Hodgson, who wrote the original version of ‘Skin Storm’. His band Bradford also opened for Moz at the first solo gig. It’s a great behind-the-scenes insight.
Nanny Val returns to react to ‘Let Me Kiss You’. She says she’s really getting into the music and describes him as a “true poet”.
There’s another ten-question Moz trivia quiz and we dissect the meanings of Maladjusted, All The Lazy Dykes and A Swallow On My Neck.
Hope you enjoy!
Nanny Val returns to react to ‘Let Me Kiss You’. She says she’s really getting into the music and describes him as a “true poet”.
There’s another ten-question Moz trivia quiz and we dissect the meanings of Maladjusted, All The Lazy Dykes and A Swallow On My Neck.
Hope you enjoy!