NB: Rules copied and pasted from Neader's thread.
How to play a survival game: Everything starts off with 10. In this case they will be songs on Meat Is Murder. With every post you can take away a point from a song and then add a point to another song. You MUST copy and paste all the songs and...
I was in the car last night and had about a 45 minute drive so I put on Meat Is Murder.
While hearing the entire album all at once I really felt like I was listening to some really dated material.
Does anyone else think this album now sounds like a relic of the past?
I think the one...
I have tried looking but haven't seen a thread on this topic? but maybe I am totaly wrong. I was wondering how many of you are vegetarian and did The Smiths and Morrissey inspire you?
*check out the
b12 deficiency
flax is god
flax is sexy
ii do too
just one of me
meatisdinnermeatis murder
meat stick
mmm chicken
veggie brigade
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