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  • Hello deary! I thought I'd spoken with someone about classical music, hmmm. Anyway, I'd LOVE to see the monument - the rocket his ashes were shot out of! What a way to go! And Johnny Depp gave the money to make that rocket happen, did you know that? Thompson used to call Johnny, "The Colonel". I miss Thompson so much. What a genius! No, I had to leave some of my books away- the movers said they'd be too heavy, which they were, and I grabbed a few of my important books but there are still some I wish I had. I hate moving, ugh! How are you today?
    Yep, it is Irish. I thought Thompson killed himself when he was 67 but I could be wrong. What a waste. Can you imagine how much fun he'd be having with the political debates and all of that? I'm going to get ready to go and get those books but I'll be back! Didn't we discuss Bach?
    Oh yes, you mentioned my parents. My dad is 84 and they finally put him in a nursing home with my mother and they are really happy! My dad was lonely when I moved here. I've been in this apartment for six days now. I love it. I sort of like being alone.
    Right now I am in shock and have been crying because one of my very favorite authors has killed himself. His name was David Foster Wallace and I loved him so much. He was famous for his book, "Infinite Jest" and, "A Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again". He was only 46. He hung himself. His wife found him that way. He was a bipolar like myself. I'm sorry, theneverplayedsymphonies, you deserve better than this. (what is your name btw?) I can't believe you are 15! You are so mature and express yourself so well. I need to get dressed and get to my parents house for some books. HUGS!
    I, my dear friend, am 14 years of age. About 11 months younger than you, in fact.
    Ahhh, I just thought I'd reply directly to you. :) Easier that way.
    Do you have an IM address? I have an MSN address that's on my profile. It'd probably be easier to chat that way. :D
    I did have some pictures up before, but I don't have them right now because I got teased about them. Well, I'm now at home with Mary Moo-cow the hot water bottle strapped to my back because I had a horrific pain in the small of my back for a few hours. I wasn't hacking into anyone else's account, just getting around the filters that constrict the visits of certain websites (even websites about golf courses :D). Yaaaay! Photos. :)
    Hello dear!
    Hahaha, I'm hacking the school system to let myself on Morrissey-Solo. Did you get a detention for your lack of PE kit after all? I shouted at some people in my class because I don't have any pictures of Moz in my locker, and they said I did. I'm really surprised how long I've been this stroppy and irritable. I think it's coming up to two or three weeks.
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