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  • D
    What's interwebz? Why did he block your music for? That's not nice!
    I'm fine, its just I'm never on here as much...thank god.
    Well, I hope you get your meeting. :) If I saw Johnny Marr play, I would want to be able to meet him too. Just a quick smile would even be lovely. Morrissey might go for it, he seems to enjoy and be mystified that he has a younger audience. Oooh, yay a library loving buddy.:thumb: I read Jane Eyre last month. I loved it. I read romance novels all the time, but that has to be one of the best. Jane was a great main character, and I could really believe their love. Some novels at the end I am like, "That's not going to work out." But at the end of this I got a bit teary...(I know, laugh all you want.:blushing:) I just found out this book I want to read is at my library. I need to go too.
    Oooh, you must be so excited. :) Nothing much has happened with me. I went the library yesterday. That was fun. Most of the rest was boring.....:straightface:
    Hey there, it's been a while since I heard from you. How are things? :)
    Thanking you! I've had the brainwave to create an exhibition of Smiths portraits and show them all in Mnachester.
    Yeah...his views since the 80s have got a bit extreme too. He's no longer than shy frontman of The Smiths anymore...
    Well I think I'd buy quite a big house if I had his money...but he does give a lot of it away to animal charities! But I doubt he gives a lot because Morrissey is extremely tight with money!
    Yeah, I think Morrissey has really changed since The Smiths. I'm still not completely sure what it is...but he has changed
    I have no idea to be honest! Morrissey has sooo many fans....
    If I had lived in the 80s and seen the 80s Morrissey, then I'd probably be exactly like you trying to get to see him!
    1. Morrissey recieves no fan mail, so that would be a problem
    2. I think Morrissey would be happy you've thought of him, but I dunno what he'd do with a picture of himself to be honest
    then I wouldn't make it a task to read :D
    I would love someone to simply write Macbeth and Hamlet in modern english as I really cannot be bothered to read a book and try to figure out all the old english literature.
    It's not too bad at all. You can definately tell it's Morrissey. So something must be right? :)
    Keep up the good work :)
    I once wanted their hair too. (I actually still do whenever I look at pictures of them.:p) You play the keyboard? I had a dream last night about someone that played awesome keyboard like The Doors. Is it fun? I play the guitar.
    Well it depends what album....Years Of Refusal is rock, but I never liked the album personally and I think the pitch on "Throwing My Arms Around Paris" is wrong and the speed should be faster.

    Anyway, your an artist....what kind of artistic thing do you do? Do you paint? draw?
    Definately The Smiths because Johnny Marr proper rocked on the guitar! Morrissey also had much more to say back in the 80s! I still think Morrissey was an absolute idiot getting rid of Gannon, Rourke and Joyce (Ex-Smiths) when he had just started his solo career. Now he's with crappy musicians, who aren't good at all!
    I do like a lot of Morrissey songs, but I don't like the albums as there's a lot of weak lyrics and music thrown into them. The Smiths never did that :(
    Yes, Morrissey didn't like Robert Smith's image!
    Do you perfer Morrissey or The Smiths? :p
    I don't think Morrissey liked his image, his lyrics....he also thought he was depressing and I actually thought that was very ironic and witty of Morrissey to say that.
    To be honest though, I don't like The Cure either. But then again, I follow The Smiths....
    Hmm I wouldn't immediately judge them. I'm a pescetarian, but I'm still quite a nice person when I want to be.
    Even Morrissey himself hasn't been nice sometimes. Christ! He's labelled people and done some awful things!
    Yes, but your labelling a whole race as "hated" by yourself....I thought you didn't like labels? :confused:
    Trust me, there are a very very small amount of people on this earth who are kind and do not judge.
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