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  • Hello,

    My name is Laura. I'm from Queens, NY. I found your thread of The Strokes "This is it" Rarities collection through a google search. It's cool that you know so much about the Strokes too. I know you've been getting many messages about this, but I really want this compilation. So first off, what store did you buy this cd in? I was looking for it in the East village yesterday & could'nt find it. And second off, do you think you could send me the links via e-mail. My e-mail is [email protected]. I don't use Megaupload, but iTunes is my default browser. So needless to say, the Strokes are among my favorite bands. I've met them several times, and I'm seeing Julian Casablancas this Thursday @ Terminal 5. Anyway, thank you in advance for viewing this message. I'd really appreciate it if you could help me out.
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