posted by davidt on Thursday October 07 2010, @11:00AM
Kewpie sends the link (via Morrissey reddit), originally posted by goinghome in the forums (original post):

Have the Chinese lost face over the Morrissey “subspecies” comment? by Sonny Leong - Eagle Eye, Independent blogs


The response of the British Chinese community was deafening silence. Can you imagine the fuss if Morrissey had made such comments about Indians, Africans, or Jews? There would be uproar, marches down Parliament and demonstrations across the land. So where are the Chinese protests or demonstrations? Nowhere. Absolutely zilch! Have we lost our face over this comment?
goinghome also writes:
As the Morrissey and A A Gill furores show, says The Telegraph's Michael Deacon, liberals like nothing more than getting offended on Twitter: ..."The best measure of liberal outrage is Twitter. Whenever a public figure does or says something that suggests insufficient reverence towards a particular minority or PC principle, the site blazes. Think of the time the writer A A Gill jokingly called Clare Balding a "dyke on a bike", and the time the singer Morrissey called the Chinese "subhuman" because of China's animal rights record (difficult one for the Left-ish, that: attack him for racism, or acclaim him for caring about animals? On balance they decided xenophobic epithets were worse than killing puppies for fur). Last week's target was Nadine Dorries MP, who'd said that if those on benefits were capable of Tweeting dozens of times a day, they should use their computer skills to earn a living. This was interpreted as an attack on the disabled.

I understand it. We all love thumping the table at some perceived social wrong, particularly when the like-minded are thumping the table too. Nothing beats the indignant thrill of the herd..."
Full story -
Morrissey, Clare Balding, Nadine Dorries: liberals love a good Twitter outrage by Michael Deacon - Telegraph
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  • Let's NOT Re-hash The Same Tired Arguments.

    Anonymous -- Thursday October 07 2010, @12:16PM (#357606)
  • Most people have no idea who Morrissey is let alone respect his opinion on the treatment of animals or any other subject for that matter. I suggest Morrissey visit China on a speaking tour.
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 07 2010, @12:25PM (#357607)
  • Wake up and smell the coffee, folks: Morrissey doesn't matter. It's sad but true. He is yesterday's iconic pop star. I would imagine that no one in the Chinese community has even heard of Moz, never mind getting upset by anything he says. Most kids kicking around today have barely heard of him. He's just some old geezer who used to be famous. When you're a teenager anyone over 35 is the enemy - what a deprived youth our children have been condemned to...
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 07 2010, @01:07PM (#357612)
  • Doesn't the journo know about what happened in 1989 in Tianamen Square?
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 07 2010, @01:09PM (#357613)
  • i think it's pretty obvious that nobody did. let it go...
    Raffael79 -- Thursday October 07 2010, @03:22PM (#357625)
    (User #17513 Info)
  • It's simple... (Score:1, Insightful)

    Chinese expats don't bother learning English. It's hard to react to something you don't even know about.
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 07 2010, @03:47PM (#357626)
  • is that Morrissey LOVES many subspecies, i.e. animals, more than humans, so I don't know why he used that particular term to insult the Chinese folks who indulge in torturing animals. He probably should have gone with monster or scumbag. Also, anyone with half a brain knows he was referring to only those Chinese people who do the torturing, not the entire race.
    Sidney Wicks -- Thursday October 07 2010, @06:15PM (#357632)
    (User #23653 Info)
    • Re:The irony by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday October 09 2010, @11:51PM
    • Re:The irony by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday October 12 2010, @09:17PM
  • I love the inane comment about liberals using twitter to express outrage. Apparently, he's never heard of Sarah Palin, The Twitter Quitter.
    shiftlessbody -- Thursday October 07 2010, @06:50PM (#357633)
    (User #15417 Info)
    hold onto your friends
  • First of, Asian Rut is not in rut no more. Chinese people don't waste time moaning and groaning about the past, or anything much at all. Why waste time with that, when the time can be spent making money! Look around. Here in America, it is rare to find a Chinese person who isn't success orientated. Ms. Nadine of MP has a point about people who are unemployed for lenghty spells of time, or non-disabled people frittering their time in an off hand way, for benefits. Maybe these unfortunates should investigate income at, for their own betterment. However, for Labor or Torrys to keep importing mass hoardes of foreigners for cheap wages paid?? Then for either side to bemoan their own countrymens demise? That arguement holds no common sense, no loyalty toward your fellow Englishmen. "England is mine and it owes me a living" We are for the common Englishman and woman, who goes to work and builds wealth, savings and a family, if they so desire. These brave people, despite daunting odds&taxes, keep the shread of England and your British heritage alive and for anyone to step on the toes of these workers with incresed taxes and wage supervision by the "royals/crown" is intolerable. Then to use the workers tax money to pay for what unemployes them, is well, past treason. "We are the last truly British people this world will ever know"
    mollymmorrissey -- Thursday October 07 2010, @08:26PM (#357638)
    (User #22909 Info)
  • A better photo of Morrissey could have been used.
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 07 2010, @08:32PM (#357639)
  • Liu Xiaobo got the Nobel peace prize. He fights for Human Rights.

    Congrats Liu!
    Anonymous -- Friday October 08 2010, @05:12AM (#357653)
  • Stupid. (Score:5, Insightful)

    To those who believe Morrissey's comment was an "in-context, deliberate racial put-down":

    1. You're idiots.
    2. The Chinese didn't react because they knew-as most intelligent people-that he was talking about people who kill animals.
    3. Get a life.
    dewdrop -- Friday October 08 2010, @07:11AM (#357656)
    (User #2326 Info)
  • Take your pick... (Score:1, Interesting)

    Nobody batted an eyelid because:
    (a) Most people said, 'Who's Morrissey?'
    (b) Most people already think Morrissey is racist - those NME accusations will just never go away.
    (c) When it comes to animal rights, most people already think Morrissey is a crank.

    I go for (c) myself. This is not the first time that Moz has said pretty silly things about animal rights, e.g. “I support the efforts of the Animal Rights Militia (ARM) in England and I understand why fur farmers and so-called laboratory scientists are repaid with violence.”

    When you start using epithets like 'subspecies' to describe other human beings, the logical conclusion is that you think such people don't deserve to live and should be eliminated. Face it folks, Moz is a great lyricist and singer and his contribution to music and popular culture in the late 20th and early 21st centuries has been immense, but when it comes to the subject of animal rights the man is just plain bonkers. Racist - no. Silly, ignorant, crass - yes. Can we forgive him? Of course. Most artists have pretty crackpot views - it's what makes them great artists. The Simon Armitage article was otherwise the most entertaining interview in the papers all year.
    Anonymous -- Saturday October 09 2010, @01:46AM (#357675)
    • Re:Take your pick... by Anonymous (Score:1) Saturday October 09 2010, @09:19AM
      • Re:Take your pick... (Score:2, Interesting)

        I think you're making my exact point. It is indeed an 'outrageous conclusion'. Presumably, in Moz's world, people who carry out experiments on animals are 'subspecies'; if they are 'subspecies' then killing them is justified. That sounds logical to me, and I am sure that Morrissey views his support for organisations that take violent action against scientists who kill animals as totally logical too. The Nazis thought that killing Jews was logical - to them they were 'subspecies' (unter-mensch) who needed to be exterminated. I didn't say that all Moz's views are crackpot. Many of his views on politics and modern culture are rather refreshing. I am merely suggesting that his use of language to describe people who abuse animals is suggestive of a rather dark side to his character - one that no doubt fuels his art and creativity, but a little disturbing none the less.
        Anonymous -- Saturday October 09 2010, @10:25AM (#357682)
    • Re:Take your pick... by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday October 09 2010, @09:21AM
  • cos they dont know who Morrissey is, nor to they care. this "contraversy" would be akin to me badmouthing the Chinese- who the fuck cares? certainly not the Chinese.
    chrisarclark <[email protected]> -- Saturday October 09 2010, @07:16PM (#357694)
    (User #9259 Info)
    "I'm just passing through here on my way to somewhere civilized and maybe I'll even arrive, maybe I'll even arrive..."
  • Compassion (Score:1, Insightful)

    I think Morrissey is the compassionate one in all this.Sometimes i feel ashamed of this country (Britain).They are so quick to put famous people down,(just because they can).
    Anonymous -- Sunday October 10 2010, @12:01AM (#357697)
    • Re:Compassion by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday October 10 2010, @05:24AM
  • Life is too short to be 'outraged' by everything. People say things, People do things. I find it odd that some people seem to have an opinion on everything.. sometimes it's just not worth the effort.
    mick ransommich -- Sunday October 10 2010, @10:02AM (#357706)
    (User #8642 Info)
    'Two roads diverged in a wood and I, I took the one less travelled by. And that has made all the difference'.
    • Re:Outrage??? by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday October 10 2010, @02:17PM
  • On his side! (Score:2, Informative)

    Morrissey is not a racist at all! People dont understand at all! I actually agree with him. Their 'subspecies'! Definetly thats what the human race is!if you are cruel to a poor defenseless animal, its sicking! Animals? We're the animals! Being cruel to an animal it just makes me sick! Like he said before:'the human race should just go up in smoke!'.It's cruelty! The things they do to them over there or anyone who does this should go up in smoke!!
    LADYDEAN -- Sunday October 10 2010, @02:50PM (#357727)
    (User #23677 Info)
  • One of them "subspecies" won the Nobel price for human rights.

    Anonymous -- Friday October 08 2010, @04:42AM (#357649)
  • Why do it, then?
    Anonymous -- Friday October 08 2010, @04:58AM (#357651)
  • 1 reply beneath your current threshold.

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