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· Morrissey's at the DNA Lounge - how ill can he be?
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on Saturday April 18 2009, @11:30PM
Paige K. Parsons posted the news / twitter feed of Morrissey at the Kristeen Young show in San Francisco the night of the cancelled show in her blog, The Color Awesome Coachella review.
"Update: It’s 10:14pm, still the night of the canceled show and just saw a tweet from commanda: “Morrissey is here at DNA Lounge. He was offended when the bouncer carded him.” Sick enough to not perform, but well enough to go clubbing, eh? " Also: Morrissey's at the DNA Lounge - how ill can he be? Pic from kiasuchick:
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(Morrissey-solo Overload: CommentLimit 50)
(Morrissey-solo Overload: CommentLimit 50)
Amazing (Score:0)
Fixed the exposure (Score:1, Informative)
Y'all Got MozOwned (Score:0)
Ugh (Score:0)
Let him rest (Score:0)
asshole (Score:0)
Lol..... (Score:0)
(User #16308 Info)
He needs stronger management. (Score:1)
All I know is, when I call in sick, I didn't go and hang out in the company's lunch room.
(User #20764 Info)
Other bandmember? (Score:0)
It could be any of the other band members that's not well...
He's not ill, the band are not ill (Score:0)
And yes, very insulting to be seen out on the town when your disappointed fans have been fobbed off with another tale of illness. But no-one really believes he's sick all the time, do they? Nine times out of ten, it's poor ticket sales, that's obvious to an infant.
Apparently.. (Score:0)
What a selfish cunt (Score:1, Insightful)
He is such a man child, and so selfish that he cares little for the fans that traveled specifically for this show (not to mention his own band and crew). This was the only gig on the west coast as well as the final gig of the US tour. Obviously many fans traveled to see the show at great expense, but does he care? Clearly not. He is going to lose many of his diehard fans with this behavior. Ticket sales will also suffer for future gigs.
Morrissey was in fine health last night, he was just being a selfish child by canceling. No reason was given, but at this point, do we really need one?
(User #3652 Info)
Re:What a selfish cunt (Score:2, Funny)
He signed it: '~ Morrissey's doctor'! I forgot all about it until just now.
(User #17346 Info)
This is punishment (Score:1, Funny)
I like Bjork. I like Tori Amos, but I don't like singers who do on-stage impressions of their imaginary hybrid.
Finally, everyone else that posted in this thread must be either 9 years old or too stupid to leave their basement therefore rejoice that the show was canceled- think of the money you saved on your meds!
Holy Fucking Shit (Score:0)
I can't believe he has the gall. Oh my god.
Don't know what else to say.
Morrissey *Faking Illness*? (Score:1)
Hope he's having fun, and I'm sorry he cancelled Oakland. Doesn't realize the sheer impact of his fans feelings when he blithey (sic) cancels a show? Does he even know how disappointed we feel?
(User #21276 Info)
That's not Morrissey (Score:0)
not caring about your appearance (Score:1, Insightful)
If he was ill then a cancellation was unavoidable. I take the point that you don't need to be able to sing in order to attend a club/gig, or even be in the best of health. But when there is a tour schedule ahead it would be reasonable to assume that resting, taking time to recouperate in order to fulfill future commitments would be considered a matter of importance. By not giving detail of his illness, by going out clubbing, Morrissey opens himself up to the suggestion (right or wrong) that he was not actually ill, but more seriously, that he had not considered future dates to be of importance. And to add insult to injury, he takes time to support an artist deeply unpopular (for whatever reason) among his "fanbase".
There is a difference between asserting individuality, refusing to follow the herd, and rubbing the salt in the wounds of those he has disappointed that day. Though the core of fanbase will be familiar with this behaviour, casual listeners will surely turn away. Why spend all that time and effort touring only to undermine it all with a spectacular act of contempt.
At a time when revenues from touring and ticket sales are falling, it's not a strong move. Perhaps this is the last tour, and it's of no future consequence. If he ends up playing a series of half-empty venues the rest of the tour it may be (at last) the touts who snapped up the most tickets who really lose out.
A Repeated Mistake (Score:0)
I understand his not wanting to do half-sold venues, but if his management are so incompetent to book these gigs at crazy high prices, he should have the professionalism and courtesy to "go on with the show" despite feeling miffed by less than stellar attendence.
As many stated, this was the last West Coast date, and I'm sure many like me traveled specifically for this show.
I didn't want to see him at Coachella because he is never in his element at these fests and it's never a good show. He has historically been unhappy with them.
It is so obvious that the reason he canceled was due to poor ticket sales and perhaps still being in a bad mood from Coachella.
Moz simply won't play to a half full venue.
The fact that he had the nerve to gallivant around town the night of his canceled gig is beyond me.
Bit of both (Score:1)
(User #21355 Info)
I spent $700 on Pit Tickets from eBay (Score:0)
Does anyone know if eBay will refund?
This was supposed to be a great show.
I'm heartbroken!! If I don't get my money back for these tickets that Mozza won't be seeing my lovely mug around for a while.
As if he gives a rat's ass!
Waah Waah.
"I don't owe you anything" (Score:1)
It is true that you don't have to be in full fitting form to attend a concert, but in all honesty, this does not look good. If he is indeed sick, he should be resting for his European tour.
(User #827 Info)
How not to recover from a "lost voice.".. (Score:0)
Arturo (Score:0)
Arturo's in that pic too, to Moz's left!
Wow, he had the whole gang with him, ay?
Also... (Score:1)
I mean, he fired her for that ridiculous and tactless comment she made last tour. He isn't a very forgiving man...so, yeah. I'm a bit confused. A bit disappointed, too.
(User #827 Info)
One point, though... (Score:1)
(User #11318 Info)
she sucks (Score:0)
i mean really, nina hagen redux
7 months in this fuckin city... (Score:1)
(User #925 Info | http://www.myspace.com/xino)
ouch (Score:0)
So, so, SO low. (Score:0)
You so-called "fans" who are calling the man all sorts of names should be absolutely ashamed.
No wonder Morrissey labels this site "Morrissey So Low".
Take a look at yourselves.
"Ill" doesn't always translate as "bed ridden", you know.
He could have a throat infection for all we know. The same people would then be on here MOANING that his voice wasn't up to scratch.
As for those "fans" who say the gig was cancelled due to poor ticket sales - entertain us by backing this reason up with fact.
Sorry you didn't see a Morrissey concert, sorry some of you paid over the odds for a ticket on ebay (if it wasn't sold out - why???) but please, let's have a bit of respect.
Some of the people who comment on this website are quite something - get a life.
same old self righteous here again (Score:2, Insightful)
"You don't deserve to be fans" shite.
Face it - no-one is above criticism, whether you like it or not. If you think being prepared to doubt Morrissey is a serious character flaw, and we are all ungrateful wretches, then I think it's you who needs to get a life.
Who are you trying to impress, seriously!
Sure, some comments are unsubstantiated, but these are opinions that people have every right to express.
OF course, if you want hard facts you could always try asking Morrissey or his management to explain it to you.
Too Sick To Sing - Well Enough To Go Out (Score:0)
You people are just insane. Truly. Canceling a show is expensive and troublesome. I'm certain he only does it when he has reasons that are valid.
K.Young (Score:1)
All I really can think of is that I don't want KY back, ever.
(User #19108 Info)
I asolutely Love the man (Score:1, Insightful)
There Speaks a True Friend... (Score:1, Interesting)
She and Baby Jeff and their equipment traveled across the country to play this show with him. I would guess that Morrissey felt badly canceling on them as well. Call me naive and other nice names but I think showing up to watch their short set and say hello at the DNA Lounge was a sweet gesture of loyalty and friendship. Especially considering that he wasn't feeling well and probably had some idea he would be "spotted" and chastised...
Just got home from San Fran (Score:3, Funny)
(User #19325 Info)
the Moz who Cried Wolf (Score:0)
"He was offended when the bouncer carded him.” (Score:0)
Europe, then West Coast? (Score:0)
Not having any proper West Coast dates for the YOR Tour seems odd. As he extended the Quarry and ROTT, do you think West Coast dates will be added after a small break from the European Leg?
I hope so~
Perhaps there's more sympathy now for Marr... (Score:0)
Maybe... (Score:0)
It's on sfweekly.com (Score:0)
I'm not angry (Score:2, Insightful)
The truly stupid fucks saying "stop complaining", "Its not like you won't get your money back" and "big deal, so he went out" need to fuck right off! Let them fucking complain if they want, they fucking deserve the right to complain....and if you can't see how wrong this is, if in fact this story is true, that he went to a concert that very night, you have no idea of life outside of an internet chatroom and the concept of right and wrong. Leave the house every now and then, just not to a Moz gig.
(User #17605 Info)
Kirsteen Young's how (Score:1, Interesting)
I was there (Score:2, Interesting)
Yes, Morrissey was there, and it was shocking at first to see him out of context (I was unfortunately aware that he saw me stumble, double-take and scurry away when I spotted him.) When the show began he went to the front and so did I; he was several people away, but I saw his quiff bobbing around to the beat. It was a unique and touching experience to share the crowd with him, as a fellow fan, with both of us watching the show. People visibly recognized him a couple of times, but he called no attention to himself and had an very quiet, everyday manner.
The band were well-received. There hadn't been time to get their name on any publicity for the show (loosely carnival-themed night with several different acts), so they were announced as "our surprise guests, Kristeenyoung" or something similar. Lots of cheering and warmth in the room, from the first chords really; they seemed to figure out pretty quickly that the band were solid and pantingly into it. I'm sure the *entire* room wasn't converted in a massive sweep of joy, since Kristeen is always a polarizing performer, but there were a lot of calls for encore at the end, with people cheering if it looked for a moment as if they were stopping putting their stuff away. (Eventually they were allowed to do an encore.)
You could tell they had prepared the hell out of the set intended for the Moz gig; evening outfits, video footage playing behind them which was themed to the songs (even down, unless this was a happy delusion on my part, to timing things so that the pacing of the shots was right, especially on the one of Lili St. Cyr dancing to "Everybody Wants Me To Cry").
Kristeen started the show by enthusiastically quoting Shakespeare's Cleopatra: "All strange and terrible events are welcome, but comforts we despise!" Since her outfit was Cleopatra-themed already (at least, it had an asp), I have to assume this was planned from the start, and the aptness of the line to the circumstances of the evening was coincidental.
I just wish the set had been longer; the allowed time was only about 20-25 minutes, and it had obviously been cut heavily.
It was great, surprisingly, that there was no context. So far as the vast majority of that room was concerned, Kristeen and Jef were a heavy, enthusiastic two-piece who nobody knew anything about, and Morrissey, recognized or not, was a man, a member of the crowd, with no audience of his own to examine and explain him. The fact that this has become such an examined event is (while totally inevitable) pretty depressing to me. That was part of the appeal, seeing these people in an unexamined state, doing what they loved to do. I had no intention of ever even talking about this, since the impulse is to *keep* it unexamined, but hell, obviously everyone knows they played and he was there, so I may as well say a word.
It sucks that Moz' constitution gave out. It really does. I didn't make that huge drive *just* to see Kristeen and Jef. But this was significant consolation, and I sincerely don't understand how anyone could cry foul on Morrissey attending a gig on a night when he had canceled his own. There's a world of difference between "well enough to stand up for half an hour" and "well enough to front a rock band for a headlining set."
Dear All (Score:0)
Re:Dear All (Score:2, Insightful)
(User #17605 Info)
What's wrong with you people? (Score:0)
Astonishing (Score:1)
Morrissey in San Francisco Weekly (Score:0)
http://blogs.sfweekly.com/shookdown/2009/04/morrissey_calls_in_sick_at_the.php/ [sfweekly.com]
if i was already feeling ill (Score:1, Funny)
Yes, yes y'all..... (Score:2, Funny)
Morrissey paying tribute to the Beastie Boys album 'Licensed to Ill' album....Yeah, expect 'Frequently Ill' in stores soon.
Excluding all American record shops in San Francisco and Oklahoma.
(User #13749 Info | http://somedizzywhore.com/)
World Exclusive - Morrissey Accepted In Semantics! (Score:2, Funny)
In fact, I now proudly demand Morrissey be subjected within the semantic field of the word 'Ill'.
We'll denote 'diarrhea' though, we've got some standards.
(User #13749 Info | http://somedizzywhore.com/)
Morrissey at Chez Raze... (Score:1)
(User #724 Info)