Non Morrissey - Immigration Thread


What are YOUR feelings on immigration?


Ok - I will start.

I for one have no problem and in fact encourage immigration to the United States. I realize that it is different from other countries where they have what they may pride as an identity, but in America we do not have such things. Our identity is that we are what you would call a meshing of all other cultures and ethnicities. This country was founded upon the ideals and labor of people from outside nations.

Cultures here in America forget that at one point their immigration ancestors be it their grandparents or great grandparents (usually) were at one point harassed and discriminated against as they were the new folks in town. It is likened to the circular theory of child abuse where the child who was abused grows up to be more likely to abuse another child. I have noticed over the years that the Italians and Irish that speak out so loudly against hispanic immigration forget their own history where it was but a hundred years ago that "Irish and Italians need not apply."

Away from those views however are my views towards illegal immigration. While America was built upon the backs of legal immigrants I am staunch in my view that the US needs to toughen their policy and punishments against illegal immigration. I do not criticize or support penalties against them because they are immigrants. I support it because they are here illegally. They came to the country illegally and are engaged in a criminal act. I have mentioned this before and my opinion on the matter remains unchanged. Apply, go through the process and become a citizen.

Now... you.
Sorry, Buzz, I don't log in to SoLow in order to think out a rationally-argued viewpoint. :D

What I want to know is what Italians think about the recent influx of middle-aged English folks who don't even bother to learn Italian and assimilate into the local culture?
What are YOUR feelings on immigration?

Yeah, I agree, pretty much. I have ancestors who were among the first Dutch to settle in Upstate New York, and people who started off in Virginia, and Baltimore. My family's names appear in Edith Wharton novels, on national products, and on the Declaration of Independence. But I also have a great-great grandmother who came from Sweden and was a cleaning lady for the richest family in town, and other ancestors who drove trucks and farmed and some who were semiliterate hillbillies in Kentucky. I'm an American, as much as any white person can be. I'm from a blue-collar family, no special favors survived the generations.

My concerns are practical- immigration is a good and healthy thing, and we definitely have space for everyone. But unchecked immigration, and illegal immigration, are harmful to everyone. It overtaxes our resources. Each new batch of residents needs time to acclimate and assimilate, and the economy needs time to absorb the new workers and let them climb a little higher up the ladder before the next batch comes in. The rate of ingress needs to be metered, that's all.

And, let's face it, the reason America mostly works really well, or has in the past, is because of the melting part of the melting pot metaphor. Immigrants have always assimilated, to the point of first-generation Americans not being taught their native tongue so they could have the best shot at success in life.

My family is only 110 years away from Sweden, 120 years from Ireland, but by the time they'd been here five or ten years you'd never have known where they came from. The only culture in my family is American culture, such as it is. That's the price you have to pay, I fear. It's a strength, but it's a weakness, too.

I wonder if we're hearing more rumblings, here as well as in England, because of Muslim immigrants who are requesting greater accomodations than any group has asked for before. I'm not saying they're wrong to ask for them, but maybe it's the first time anyone has dared not make the changes their new home asked of them.
If it were up to me...I would say my "door is always open"...i couldn't care in the least how many immigrants were to come to Australia (or not).
Looking at the people who have posted on this thread and the countries that they are from (USA, Australia, UK) these countries were built on immigration. It was there a long time before we was born and before a certain 47 year old pop star as well.

In the UK the racial tensions (especially ) in the south east have turned from Asians to the Polish and people from other eastern European countries.

Intolerance in people always seems to find something or someone new to complain about.
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