yes, Moz will record his new album



I heard lots of MOZ gossip this week while I stayed in Hollywood. Of course I didn't meet him 'cos that just doesn't happen. The coolest news is that on 6/1/99 around 4PM at the Post Office on Sunset Blvd. Moz told a British dood named Otto that he is about to record a new album (this guy did not deserve to meet Moz, he hadn't even purchased the last few albums!) I could also tell you about his "little get around car" and how he dressed, but that would sound too obsessive (me obsessive?) I got tons more gossip that I will trade for your inside gossip (but you have to provide details like date & time as I did.) Thanks.
I'll believe it when I hear it

> I heard lots of MOZ gossip this week while I stayed in¿ Hollywood. Of course I didn't meet him 'cos that just doesn't¿ happen. The coolest news is that on 6/1/99 around 4PM at the¿ Post Office on Sunset Blvd. Moz told a British dood named Otto¿ that he is about to record a new album (this guy did not deserve¿ to meet Moz, he hadn't even purchased the last few albums!) I¿ could also tell you about his "little get around car"¿ and how he dressed, but that would sound too obsessive (me¿ obsessive?) I got tons more gossip that I will trade for your¿ inside gossip (but you have to provide details like date &¿ time as I did.) Thanks.

Trade?? This is a discussion forum! You can't just come in here and post these tantalizing little tidbits of info, only to hold back on the details. Shame on you!
Re: I'll believe it when I hear it

don't pay any attention to her. Even if Morrissey told someone he was recording an album, just think of all the other proposed projects that fell through over the years. It means nothing in the end unless the physical act of it takes place.

the page from the life from hell
Re: I'll believe it when I hear it

> don't pay any attention to her. Even if Morrissey told someone¿ he was recording an album, just think of all the other proposed¿ projects that fell through over the years. It means nothing in¿ the end unless the physical act of it takes place.
YUP... and if moz was gonna make a new album why would he tell the postman? we need more details whoever posted this
how could you believe an englishman named otto who hangs around post offices while on holiday in hollywood? if there is a song on moz's new album titled "otto otto please please please let me send my letter" i will give this gossip credit. putting that aside i'll give odds of 2 to 1 that we hear something by september.
Re: Dear Otto, you are my inspiration

> song on moz's new album titled "otto otto please please please¿ let me send my letter"

Wouldn't that be a hoot! I think Morrissey would have some classy method for announcing a new album. After all this time it is imperative that he come out with his best work to date. If nothing else he has to say good bye with style.
Re: I'll believe it when I hear it

> Trade?? This is a discussion forum! You can't just come in here¿ and post these tantalizing little tidbits of info, only to hold¿ back on the details. Shame on you!

That's because I'm fed up with this board and all the pointless threads with no news. Also, I know there are plenty of people who access this board yet refuse to share inside info. For example, one day last year I asked Vicarinatutu if he had any "news" and he said no so later when I provoked him he admitted he was lying. That's childish.
Re: I'll believe it when I hear it

> YUP... and if moz was gonna make a new album why would he tell¿ the postman? we need more details whoever posted this

The postman? I said "a British dood." An International Traveller, ok?
top 10 reasons why this is bunk.

> The postman? I said "a British dood." An International¿ Traveller, ok?

1. Don't quote that God Awful song as your handle. That will not be tolerated.

2. Otto is a good German name.

3. You randomly hang out in post offices and ask everyone who enters what Morrissey is doing.

4. Instead of being perturbed by someone hanging out in the post office waiting for Moz information, he willingly gives it.

5. This is vague enough to be yet another way of flushing out "real" news from someone who knows.

6. It sounds like he's partying it up in LA and doesn't even seem interested in cracking down in a studio. And how hard is that for him? It's not like he actually has to write any music. He just worries about the vocals.

7. Morrissey is "always" about to do something. The percentage of "about to do" compared to "is doing" has increased dramatically. Even if he started now, the soonest you would really see any results would be well into next year, and this means he would have had 3 years in between albums. So, for you to say he is "About to do something" is grammatically correct. If he's beating around the bush for one reason or another, it should be best to get it out in the open and resolve it so he can quit putting his life on hold. His friends and bandmates make a measly living as musicians because Dionne Warwick can't use them as her psychic friends. Trust me, the latter pays more.

8. All the meetings in "Chicago" make him too busy.

9. As is his negotiations with Def Jam records.

10. And I'm sure he's pouring over all you've said trying to make his next album a little more "accurate" in portraying what you are.

I'm obviously smarter than what i look
Re: I'll believe it when I hear it

> That's because I'm fed up with this board and all the pointless¿ threads with no news. Also, I know there are plenty of people¿ who access this board yet refuse to share inside info. For¿ example, one day last year I asked Vicarinatutu if he had any¿ "news" and he said no so later when I provoked him he¿ admitted he was lying. That's childish.

First of all, if you're defending an original post of yours, please keep your handle consistent - you see, I'm gullible and easily confused.

Secondly, your answer of being "fed up with this board and all the pointless threads with no news" does not, in ANY way, explain why you would hold back on your alleged information - why contribute to the the very thing you claim to be fed up with?

Like I said, I'm quite gullible, and your story sounds plausible to me, so I won't dismiss it entirely. Having said that, why don't you just enlighten us with your "details?" If you've any information, please share it and stop trying to auction it off to the highest bidder of "inside gossip."
Re: top 10 reasons why this is bunk.

Hee hee! You're funny. The Otto dood told me about meeting MO because he stayed in the room below me. Everyone there was British, that's why I asked 2 of them if they knew who Moz was (one didn't!) and then when the dood met MO he told his friends who told him to tell me because they knew I'd be jealous. :)
From the gossip I got Moz has not been "putting his life on hold," but been partying hardy w/ certain rock stars at strip joints and getting drunk (Johnny Marr really *is* the sensitive one! HEE.)¿ 1. Don't quote that God Awful song as your handle. That will not¿ be tolerated.¿ 2. Otto is a good German name.¿ 3. You randomly hang out in post offices and ask everyone who¿ enters what Morrissey is doing.¿ 4. Instead of being perturbed by someone hanging out in the post¿ office waiting for Moz information, he willingly gives it.¿ 5. This is vague enough to be yet another way of flushing out¿ "real" news from someone who knows.¿ 6. It sounds like he's partying it up in LA and doesn't even¿ seem interested in cracking down in a studio. And how hard is¿ that for him? It's not like he actually has to write any music.¿ He just worries about the vocals.¿ 7. Morrissey is "always" about to do something. The¿ percentage of "about to do" compared to "is¿ doing" has increased dramatically. Even if he started now,¿ the soonest you would really see any results would be well into¿ next year, and this means he would have had 3 years in between¿ albums. So, for you to say he is "About to do¿ something" is grammatically correct. If he's beating around¿ the bush for one reason or another, it should be best to get it¿ out in the open and resolve it so he can quit putting his life¿ on hold. His friends and bandmates make a measly living as¿ musicians because Dionne Warwick can't use them as her psychic¿ friends. Trust me, the latter pays more.¿ 8. All the meetings in "Chicago" make him too busy.¿ 9. As is his negotiations with Def Jam records.¿ 10. And I'm sure he's pouring over all you've said trying to¿ make his next album a little more "accurate" in¿ portraying what you are.
Re: top 10 reasons why this is bunk.

Damnit! I missed all the good movie time showings and so it looks like it's me and my VCR once again....unless I bite it and see the midnight showing of Starship Troopers....or sit through Star Wars or the Matrix again.
f.uck f.uck f.uck¿ Hee hee! You're funny.

Damnit, I'm not a commedienne!¿The Otto dood told me about meeting MO¿ because he stayed in the room below me.

So, you are saying you live in a P.O. Box. Isn't that kind of small?¿Everyone there was¿ British, that's why I asked 2 of them if they knew who Moz was¿ (one didn't!) and then when the dood met MO he told his friends¿ who told him to tell me because they knew I'd be jealous. :)

It gave him a head start out the door before you got your butcher knife.¿ From the gossip I got Moz has not been "putting his life on¿ hold," but been partying hardy w/ certain rock stars at¿ strip joints and getting drunk (Johnny Marr really *is* the¿ sensitive one! HEE.)

That's what I figured. Who needs a recording contract when you've got strippers? Those are the sorts of things you can't have fun at when you're a huge star coz it's all over the place. That's the first thing that goes when you become Sure, you have money, but you see ugly pictures of yourself shopping for birth control on "Extra" and that can spoil your day.

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