Brooding comes naturally when listening to Morrissey



I believe the only way to end thines own inner sanctum is to plunge a bullet within one skull: mine.

If I beg thee to shoot me, there would not be enough good for there is no good. Only "My Lovelife" and a loaded gun.

Greasetea knoweth this. For on dark days, i peer into the human race and see only two things: death and birth. A vicious cycle that neededth to be endeth with one foul swoop of a split atom.

Armeggedon not come soon enougheth if Greacain and Asianionical have stated in great scrolls of the Nezerbene: Trust no one and despise anyone that takes you in said the spider.

Greasetea spoketh: Quote the raven, nevermore.
> Cheer up.

Nein. Greasetea is only a misnomer for the masses of jaundice wrecked ingrates that suffer the same fate of the Grendel. Is Beowulf around? The world will not know, except: distrust and death.

So spake Greasetea: Quote the raven, nevermore.
Try not to take life so seriously.

You are born, you grow and learn.

You get older but not wiser,

your body weakens, but head remains the same.

Then you die.

So what, that's life........

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