Can anybody read?

  • Thread starter **sigh**my name is Sarah, too
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**sigh**my name is Sarah, too

I read the book High Fidelity by Nick Hornby (perhaps many of you have). If you haven't, I recommend it...Highly. This book is about music snobbery, lack of commitment, and "real life" emotions. It's almost sad because as you discover how pathetic the protagonist is, you discover how much you have in common with him (at least I did...and I can assume confidently that most others will). Hornby writes with an "everyday" sort of wit (if that makes any sense to you). The book is Highly enjoyable (I was embarrassed to find myself smiling or giggling as I read during class...not that you care about that or any of this message but hey I thought I could add to this "pathetic lot of postings", as your charming friend put it.**Where do these people come from?**)
**if anybody has any recommendations of English authors, please share them with me...with explanations and such...
*oh, and the Smiths reference in this's nothing special..don't get your hopes up
> I read the book High Fidelity by Nick Hornby (perhaps many of¿ you have). If you haven't, I recommend it...Highly. This book is¿ about music snobbery, lack of commitment, and "real¿ life" emotions. It's almost sad because as you discover how¿ pathetic the protagonist is, you discover how much you have in¿ common with him (at least I did...and I can assume confidently¿ that most others will). Hornby writes with an¿ "everyday" sort of wit (if that makes any sense to¿ you). The book is Highly enjoyable (I was embarrassed to find¿ myself smiling or giggling as I read during class...not that you¿ care about that or any of this message but hey I thought I could¿ add to this "pathetic lot of postings", as your¿ charming friend put it.**Where do these people come from?**)¿ **if anybody has any recommendations of English authors, please¿ share them with me...with explanations and such...¿ *oh, and the Smiths reference in this's nothing¿ special..don't get your hopes up

I liked HIGH FIDELITY too.

Another British author, Martin Amis, has a decent collection of short stories out right now called HEAVY WATER & OTHER STORIES. It includes a pretty funny one about a society where poetry and poets are treated the way we treat screenplays and screenwriters in Hollywood, and screenwriters suffer, trying to get published in obscure journals if they're lucky, like poets do in our world. Another story is about a society where homosexuality is the norm and heteros are the outsiders.
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