~ The 'All things CATS' thread ~


The following is a, partial, reconstruction of a brittle, heavily fragmented, newspaper clipping that I found, among other yellowed clippings, in my Great-Grandmother's (C---) bible. I will be sure to ask my Grandfather about anything he might remember of this mysterious feline.

He Had Nine Lives -- And
Used Them

Friday was a sad day at the
C--- home, 337 N. W---.

Funeral arrangements have not
been announced, pending location of
relatives, but you can be sure that
Mrs. E. B. C--- will plan a funeral
that wil do honor to Tom, age
31, who passed away Friday.

Tom's death was not sudden, it was
not tragic. He died a natural death
from old age. What you don't think
31 is an old age?

Well it is for a cat! And Tom, may
it be said, to advantage of every
one of his nine lives. He lived them
to their end and he had a contented
look on his face when his soul passed
[on t]o the feline vallahalla.

[...]me[mbers] of the C--- family
[...][ha]ving some difficulty locating
[...] of the imm[ediate] family. For
[...] [w]as secretive about his
relatives - and so far as people know
[he] never had a wife.

Tom was born in 19[..] [an]d became
[...] property [of] Jim [...]

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Cat Facts

Cats have five toes on each front paw, but only four toes on each back paw.

Cats are sometimes born with extra toes. This is called polydactyl. These toes will not harm the cat, but you should keep his claws trimmed just like any toe.

Cats have true fur, in that they have both an undercoat and an outer coat.

Newborn kittens have closed ear canals that don't begin to open for nine days. When the eyes open, they are always blue at first. They change color over a period of months to the final eye color.

Most cats have no eyelashes.

Cats have a full inner-eyelid, or nictitating membrane. This inner-eyelid serves to help protect the eyes from dryness and damage. When the cat is ill, the inner-eyelid will frequently close partially, making it visible to the observer.

A cat cannot see directly under its nose. This is why the cat cannot seem to find tidbits on the floor.

You can tell a cat's mood by looking into its eyes. A frightened or excited cat will have large, round pupils. An angry cat will have narrow pupils. The pupil size is related as much to the cat's emotions as to the degree of light.

It is a common belief that cats are color blind. However, recent studies have shown that cats can see blue, green and red.

A large majority of white cats with blue eyes are deaf. White cats with only one blue eye are deaf only in the ear closest to the blue eye. White cats with orange eyes do not have this disability.

Cats with white fur and skin on their ears are very prone to sunburn. Frequent sunburns can lead to skin cancer. Many white cats need surgery to remove all or part of a cancerous ear. Preventive measures include sunscreen, or better, keeping the cat indoors.

A cat can jump even seven times as high as it is tall.

The cat's footpads absorb the shocks of the landing when the cat jumps.

Cats lack a true collarbone. Because of this lack, cats can generally squeeze their bodies through any space they can get their heads through. You may have seen a cat testing the size of an opening by careful measurement with the head.

If left to her own devices, a female cat may have three to seven kittens every four months. This is why population control using neutering and spaying is so important.

A cat is pregnant for about 58-65 days.

Mother cats teach their kittens to use the litter box.

The way you treat kittens in the early stages of it's life will render it's personality traits later in life.

Contrary to popular belief, the cat is a social animal. A pet cat will respond and answer to speech, and seems to enjoy human companionship.

When well treated, a cat can live twenty or more years but the average life span of a domestic cat is 14 years.

Neutering a cat extends its life span by two or three years.

Cats, especially older cats, do get cancer. Many times this disease can be treated successfully.

Cats can't taste sweets.

Cats must have fat in their diet because they can't produce it on their own.

Some common houseplants poisonous to cats include: English Ivy, iris, mistletoe, philodendron, and yew.

Tylenol and chocolate are both poisionous to cats.

Many cats cannot properly digest cow's milk. Milk and milk products give them diarrhea.

The average cat food meal is the equivalent to about five mice.

Cats can get tapeworms from eating fleas. These worms live inside the cat forever, or until they are removed with medication. They reproduce by shedding a link from the end of their long bodies. This link crawls out the cat's anus, and sheds hundreds of eggs. These eggs are injested by flea larvae, and the cycles continues. Humans may get these tapeworms too, but only if they eat infected fleas. Cats with tapeworms should be dewormed by a veterinarian.

Cats can get tapeworms from eating mice. If your cat catches a mouse it is best to take the prize away from it.

Though rare, cats can contract canine heart worms.

The gene in cats that causes the orange coat color is sexed linked, and is on the X sex chromosome. This gene may display orange or black. Thus, as female cat with two X chromosomes may have orange and black colors in its coat. A male, with only one X chromosome, can have only orange or black, not both.

If a male cat is both orange and black it is ( besides being extremely rare ) sterile. To have both the orange and the black coat colors, the male cat must have all or part of both female X chromosomes. This unusual sex chromosome combination will render the male cat sterile.

Cats have AB blood groups just like people.

A form of AIDS exists in cats.

The color of the points in Siamese cats is heat related. Cool areas are darker.

Siamese kittens are born white because of the heat inside the mother's uterus before birth. This heat keeps the kittens' hair from darkening on the points.

People who are allergic to cats are actually allergic to cat saliva or to cat dander. If the resident cat is bathed regularly the allergic people tolerate it better.

Studies now show that the allergen in cats is related to their scent glands. Cats have scent glands on their faces and at the base of their tails. Entire male cats generate the most scent. If this secretion from the scent glands is the allergen, allergic people should tolerate spayed female cats the best.

Cats do not think that they are little people. They think that we are big cats. This influences their behavior in many ways.

Cats are subject to gum disease and to dental caries. They should have their teeth cleaned by the vet or the cat dentist once a year.

Many people fear catching a protozoan disease, Toxoplasmosis, from cats. This disease can cause illness in the human, but more seriously, can cause birth defects in the unborn.

Toxoplasmosis is a common disease, sometimes spread through the feces of cats. It is caused most often from eating raw or rare beef. Pregnant women and people with a depressed immune system should not touch the cat litter box. Other than that, there is no reason that these people have to avoid cats.

The ancestor of all domestic cats is the African Wild Cat which still exists today.

In ancient Egypt, killing a cat was a crime punishable by death.

In ancient Egypt, mummies were made of cats, and embalmed mice were placed with them in their tombs. In one ancient city, over 300,000 cat mummies were found.

In the Middle Ages, during the Festival of Saint John, cats were burned alive in town squares.

The first cat show was in 1871 at the Crystal Palace in London.

Today there are about 100 distinct breeds of the domestic cat.

Like birds, cats have a homing ability that uses its biological clock, the angle of the sun, and the Earth's magnetic field. A cat taken far from its home can return to it. But if a cat's owners move far from its home, the cat can't find them.

Cats bury their feces to cover their trails from predators.

Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day. When cats are asleep, they are still alert to incoming stimuli. If you poke the tail of a sleeping cat, it will respond accordingly.

Besides smelling with their nose, cats can smell with an additional organ called the Jacobson's organ, located in the upper surface of the mouth.

The chlorine in fresh tap water irritates sensitive parts of the cat's nose. Let tap water sit for 24 hours before giving it to a cat.

Abraham Lincoln loved cats. He had four of them while he lived in the White House.

Napoleon was terrified of cats!

A cat has four rows of whiskers on each side.

The word "cat" in various languages: French - chat; German - katze; Italian - gatto; Spanish/Portugese - gato; Yiddish - kats; Maltese - qattus; Swedish/Norwegian - katt; Dutch - kat; Icelandic - kottur; Greek - gata; Hindu - katas; Japanese - neko; Polish - kot.

Statistics indicate that animal lovers in recent years have shown a preference for cats over dogs!

Cats can be taught to walk on a leash, but a lot of time and patience is required to teach them.

The younger the cat is, the easier it will be for them to learn.

Purring not always means happiness. Purring could mean a cat is in terrible pain such as during childbirth. Kittens will purr to their mother to let her know they are getting enough milk while nursing. Purring is a process of inhaling and exhaling, usually performed while the mouth is closed. But don't worry, if your cat is purring while your gently petting her and holding her close to you - that is a happy cat!

The catnip plant contains an oil called hepetalactone which does for cats what marijuana does to some people. Not all cats react to it those that do appear to enter a trancelike state. A positive reaction takes the form of the cat sniffing the catnip, then licking, biting, chewing it, rub & rolling on it repeatedly, purring, meowing & even leaping in the air.
Cat Folklore and Superstitions

Cats and Luck

English schoolchildren believed seeing a white cat on the way to school was sure to bring trouble. To prevent the bad luck, they were to spit or turn around completely and make the sign of the cross.

Dreaming of a cat is sometimes regarded as a sign of bad luck in the future. On the other hand, American folklore has it that dreaming of a white cat is good luck.

A cat sneezing is a good omen for everyone who hears it.

Charles I, king of England, owned a black cat that he felt brought him luck. He was so afraid of losing it that he had it guarded day and night. As it happened, the day after the cat died, he was arrested.

In France, it is believed that if you find one white hair on a black cat, Lady Luck will smile upon you.

It is bad luck to see a white cat at night.

When you see a one-eyed cat, spit on your thumb, stamp it in the middle of your palm, and make a wish. The wish will come true.

The Cat as a Soothsayer

Cats can forecast the weather: they predict the wind by clawing at carpets and curtains; rain is highly likely when a cat busily washes its ears. In mythology, the cat was believed to have great influence on the weather. Witches who rode on storms took the form of cats. The dog, an attendant of the storm king Odin, was a symbol of wind. Cats came to symbolize down-pouring rain, and dogs to symbolize strong gusts of wind. Some people believed that if a cat washes its face and paws in the parlor, company's coming. If a cat continually looks out a window on any day, rain is on the way. Some cats can predict earthquakes (actually, there is some truth in this "folklore").

Sailors used cats to predict the voyages they were about to embark on. Loudly mewing cats meant that it would be a difficult voyage. A playful cat meant that it would be a voyage with good and gusty winds.

If a cat ran ahead of a sailor to the pier, it was believed that would bring good luck; if the cat crossed his path, it would bring bad luck. Cats were often kept on board ships to bring good luck. If a sailor was approached by the ship's cat it meant good luck, but if the cat only came halfway, it meant bad luck would befall the sailor.

French peasants thought that black cats could find buried treasure, if they followed a specific ritual: find an intersection where 5 roads connected, then turn the cat loose and follow him.

Tortoiseshell cats were believed to be able to see into the future and could give the gift to a lucky child in the household.

Cats and the Sick, Dying, and Dead

At one time, people believed that fur and blood drawn from various parts of the cat's anatomy cured all ailments. Early American colonists believed that a broth made from boiling a black cat would cure tuberculosis, but no one wanted to risk the bad luck that would befall them if they killed the cat.

In Transylvania, if a cat jumps over a corpse, the corpse will become a vampire.

Early Christians believed that if a cat sat on a grave, the buried person's soul was in the devil's power. Another belief was that if two cats were seen fighting near a dying person, or on the grave shortly after a funeral, the creatures are really the Devil and an Angel fighting for possesion of the soul.

In 16th century Italy, it was believed that if a black cat lay on the bed of a sick man, he would die. However, they also believed that a cat will not remain in the house where someone is about to die - if the family cat refused to stay indoors, this was a bad omen.

Immigrants from Scotland believed that if a cat entered a room where a dead body was in state, the next person to touch the cat would be blinded. Therefore, the cat in such situations was immediately killed.

The folklore that a cat has 9 lives possibly came about because #9 is the "trinity of trinities" and was considered lucky.

A cat has 9 lives. For 3 he plays, for 3 he strays, and for the last 3 he stays. (an American and English proverb)

Cats and the Afterlife

In Japan, there is a myth that cats turn into super spirits when they die. According to the Buddhist religion, the body of the cat is the temporary resting place of the soul of very spiritual people.

Some people believe that cats engage in astral travel even in life. They also believe that if a cat adopts you, it will stay with you forever, even after death.

Cats as Sacred Beings

Cats were sacred to Isis, goddess in Egyptian mythology. Isis' and Osiris' daughter Bast (Bastet, sometimes referred to as Pasht) was the moon goddess and goddess of cats, and was represented by a woman with the face of a cat. The cats in her temple in the city of Bubastis wore heavily jewelled collars, were regarded as Gods and treated royally. Anyone who killed a cat was put to death. The cats were said to control the moon's movement, protect the dead, and had total authority over the royal houses at night because of their ability to see things that humans couldn't in the dark. Cats were so loved by the Egyptians that they sometimes mummified a mouse to accompany the cat into the afterworld.

King Osorkon, of the twenty-second dynasty, placed a white cat in the center of a magnificent temple and ritually endowed it with supreme power.

During excavations in the ruins of Tell-Basta (the former Bubastis), a graveyard with 300,000 mummified holy cats was discovered. Though many were sent to England and sold as fertilizer, a few were sent to museums.

Mohammed cut off the sleeve of his robe rather than disturb his cat from resting on it.

Cats and Witches

Norse legend tells of Freya, goddess of love and fertility, whose chariot was pulled by two black cats. Some versions of the tale claim they became swift black horses, possessed by the Devil. After serving Freya for 7 years, the cats were rewarded by being turned into witches, disguised as black cats.

Traits associated with cats include cleverness, unpredictability, healing and witchcraft, since in ancient times it was believed that witches took the form of their cats at night. Folklore has it that if a witch becomes human, her black cat will no longer reside in her house.

It was largely in the Middle Ages that the black cat became affiliated with evil. Because cats are nocturnal and roam at night, they were believed to be supernatural servants of witches, or even witches themselves. Partly because of the cat's sleek movements and eyes that 'glow' at night, they became the embodiment of darkness, mystery, and evil, possessing frightening powers. If a black cat walked into the room of an ill person, and the person later died, it was blamed on the cat's supernatural powers. If a black cat crossed a person's path without harming them, this indicated that the person was then protected by the devil. Often times, a cat would find shelter with older women who were living in solitude. The cat became a source of comfort and companionship, and the old woman would curse anyone who mistreated it. If one of these tormentors became ill, the witch and her familiar were blamed.

Cat Spells and Charms

If a black cat crosses your path, greet the animal politely and stroke it three times if possible, while reciting this charm:

'Black cat, cross my path,
Good fortune bring to home and hearth,
When I am away from home
Bring me luck wherever I roam'.

Then leave the cat and go on your way. If you abuse, insult or ignore the cat, no good luck will follow.
cats cats rule kitties meow neow nyan-nyan purr pussies galore
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