Where do I fit? Am I to Love it or hate it?


Donald Farfrae

I have not heard the stream as I pre-ordered from Amazon Canada which doesn't offer the promotion. And I'd like to ask those of you who've heard the album to help me understand where I fit: whether I should wait for the album or cancel my order for the time being.

If you answer, keep this in mind: I'm crazy in love with Dear God Please Help Me; lukewarm about Life Is A Pigsty; have little use for You Have Killed Me, though it's certainly catchy enough, I know; and I see 'Far Off Places' as possibly the worst song Morrissey's ever done, with thrown-together melodies, impenetrable lyrics, and useless guitars. I think this half-baked rock song was placed on the album (as track #1) simply to create a stark, comical juxtaposition with the classical cover art.

I'm thinking of cancelling my order and buying 3 country & western albums from the 70s and 80s by a gal named Emmylou Harris, no joke! She averages at least 4 nice songs per album. On the plus side with Moz, I was thrilled to see a single release of YHKM including all 3 b-sides and have pre-ordered that as well.

Well what say you? In which camp do I belong?
> Well what say you? In which camp do I belong?

Guantanamo Bay?
'Far Off
> Places' as possibly the worst song Morrissey's ever done, with
> thrown-together melodies, impenetrable lyrics, and useless guitars. I
> think this half-baked rock song was placed on the album (as track #1)
> simply to create a stark, comical juxtaposition with the classical cover
> art.

People like you are so lame - you just want to hear Viva Hate 2, Viva Hate 3, Viva Hate 4....

IWSYIFOP is brilliant!
nycjim, those 'Far Off' guitars are for stupid people with an 8th grade education. Fucyou.
You're teaTering on the edge of the Dolly Parton caMp..

And yes that was a tit pun..
nycjim, I'm sorry I was so rude. Your opinion is entirely valid, though people like you are so lame...
Re: You're teaTering on the edge of the Dolly Parton caMp..

> And yes that was a tit pun..

I know, it's quite frightening when I think of it.
Well at least you'll get a good handful....

and Dolly's CD's always come in handy when you want to ward off unwanted guests...
Re: Well at least you'll get a good handful....

Forget Dolly. I don't care for boobs; I prefer tits.
> nycjim, I'm sorry I was so rude. Your opinion is entirely valid, though
> people like you are so lame...

I just like artist I like to change, try new things, develop.... even if that means they misstep now and then.
> Guantanamo Bay?

A few more of that quality and all your (alleged) transgressions will have to be forgiven.
> I just like artist I like to change, try new things, develop.... even if
> that means they misstep now and then.

I really am sorry fer using the f word on you; I'm an impulsive dickhead for sure. But you totally misfired in imagining me as a ridged traditionalist or something; I don't remember the last time I listened to Viva Hate. I'm thrilled that Morrissey can branch out / spread his wings, spread his legs to get at the kegs, whatever, I just don't connect to 3 of the 4 leaked tracks and am surprised and concerned...

Again, I'm a twat for the language...
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