Greasetea, Hey!..



"Been trying to meet you mmmmmm, mm,mmmmm,mm,mmmmm. Must be a devil between us or whores in my head, whores and the door, whores in my bed. But Hey, where, have, you, been, if you go I will surely die..."

Are we chained though? I imagine that could be somewhat entertaining, and like I really give a damn about your consent, bitch!

Seamonkeys and Susan... ;] (Fruiti DeLucci)
Re: Cinderella, BITE ME!

Sorry about last night I "ran" into an old acquaintence but do not fret because we'll go with our new scheduled encounter tonight and as for consent:

you know the answer to that you silly pissy minx.

In a world ruled by malice, I offer you a copper chalice, frying pan and a wonderfull of @#!!! box of grenades. DO as you wish, just leave me the drama queens.
Re: Bitten/Smitten.

You are here and not here...through the looking glass, turn it on its head, just try and keep me out of bed, upside down and utterly empty, what shall I do?

Awww Sweeeeeet, are you not happy at those sexual insinuations slapped out in my direction...but you should know I would only indulge in degrading and sordid activities with you!

Come to me quick darling, come to me now!
Re: Into you like a train...

> Sorry about last night I "ran" into an old
> acquaintence but do not fret because we'll go with our new
> scheduled encounter tonight and as for consent:

Have I missed something?! - Well admittedly I have missed and am missing a good deal of things this many a day - but specifically, the time?! The same, just a different day...Is this correct?! Oh well, I'm still right here where I always was...Everybody is lost, though why does it always feel like I am more lost than most?

Well, I am sure we will get to talk again, of country matters, sooner or later...ohhh, Trash...

"If I were dead and heard your voice my heart of dust would still rejoice."
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