oh ian less than 5 mins to go, what's your sorry excuse again?


Grim O'Grady

diddums, he said he'd call the cops he promised to call the cops now he's going to back out of calling the cops well big news for you ian, you'd better get your case packed, you've 30+ hours notice, coz kiddo this *mopy* file is going in & so will you, you internet fraudster. Still awaiting my mozmat btw!

*save as mopy*
grim, lynne won it, will she pay i wonder?? lol CAUGHT OUT AGAIN!!! LOL!!
Re: what do you think nappa?

What is all this cops shit, just speak to me directly. What has been going on, what is this file stuff. I just checked E-bay and saw the jacket had sold for 1009 pounds. I dont really know what to say. I dont have a clue what your talking about
Re: grim, lynne won it, will she pay i wonder?? lol CAUGHT OUT AGAIN!!! LOL!!

No,she'll pull a skinny and make up some excuse. Mustve spent alot of govt assistance money on that jacket eh?? did you sell your blocks of cheese as well??? you fat f***in slobs. Neither of you can even fit an arm in that jacket,let alone your entire bodies.
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