Hey Perry Saturn signed with ECW? what the heck?

No one but you watches that crap.....go post some other place(and for god sakes get another hobbie)

> I think that is nuts. Don't you fellas?

Since you insist on being a festering wound on the arse of mankind, you have no choice but to kill yourself(and i dont mean quickly)You need to die in the most horrible fashion a human could think up.People may say "whoa! sleep, thats a little harsh".....i dont think it is.Lets take a look at what we have here....1.a stupid girl, 2.a dumb sport( and i use the term sport in a liberal way) 3. we have an obvious case of a pre-teen trying to be as annoying as they possibly can, 4.there are no signs of change.Taking all these facts into consideration, amber has no choice but to off herself.
I can help you Sleep

you know where my bags of razors are doubledumbass..just give me a ring and I'll off her in some maniacal way. Nooga nooch my homies.

Moz is tha' dawg YO!
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