The Morrissey of R and B?



I've heard that there was a cover of Tomorrow out there done by an R&B artist touted as the "Morrissey of R&B". I'd like to know who that is, and what it can be found on. Can anyone help?
The Morrissey of R&B is...

Tha one an only, two legit to quit M.C. Hammer. Awwwww yeah, him and his oh so cool, shiny mofo parachute pants is da bomb! His cover of Hairdresser On Fire is the mac-daddy of macs if you know what i mean sucka!

The rest of you chumps can just kiss my ass you freaks of nature, go slit your necks or hang yesselves...

M.C. Moz rocks and is 2 legit!
Omigawd! I can't believe it....

....but this person is starting to grow on me! Lol!!
Re: Omigawd! I can't believe it.... smelly fungus
Re: Omigawd! I can't believe it....

> smelly fungus

Actually, it's because he's so stupid he's funny. Sort of like those Airplane type of movies.
Re: Omigawd! I can't believe it....

But those movies ARE comedy. That waste is sewage.
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