This website is loads better than Andy Rourke's one which is never updated!


Andy Ison.

I know I am banned from Andy's site. The people who run Andy's site don't like me and I expect the man Andy Rourke don't like me either.
But it is all registered users only on Andy Rourke's site. Nothing is ever updated. There is nothing much on Andy's site no pictures, no news nothing. All you get are message boards for regestered users! and Andy Rourke aparently never even looks at his own site!
David does a brilliant job on this Moz site!!!! This is the best fan site I have ever seen!!!!
The man who runs Andy Rourke's site I did meet him once and he is very posh and he says I am "not a real Andy fan" and I should leave the guy alone. Why doesn't Andy Rourke tell me he hates me himself not one of his messangers??
It is a shame but this site has much more regular up to date info on Andy Rourke than his on his own site! and this is a Moz site!
insanity, or a joke?

is there really an andy rourke site? and if so, i think the more important question is WHY WOULD ANYONE GO TO IT? he's nothing. he's useless. and he's a leech. i think visiting the website of the little old lady across the street would be more interesting...

> I know I am banned from Andy's site. The people who run Andy's site don't
> like me and I expect the man Andy Rourke don't like me either.
> But it is all registered users only on Andy Rourke's site. Nothing is ever
> updated. There is nothing much on Andy's site no pictures, no news
> nothing. All you get are message boards for regestered users! and Andy
> Rourke aparently never even looks at his own site!
> David does a brilliant job on this Moz site!!!! This is the best fan site
> I have ever seen!!!!
> The man who runs Andy Rourke's site I did meet him once and he is very
> posh and he says I am "not a real Andy fan" and I should leave
> the guy alone. Why doesn't Andy Rourke tell me he hates me himself not one
> of his messangers??
> It is a shame but this site has much more regular up to date info on Andy
> Rourke than his on his own site! and this is a Moz site!
Re: insanity, or a joke?

> is there really an andy rourke site? and if so, i think the more important
> question is WHY WOULD ANYONE GO TO IT? he's nothing. he's useless. and
> he's a leech. i think visiting the website of the little old lady across
> the street would be more interesting...

yep, there is one.
Re: Yes Andy Rourke has a site here it is...
I am banned from this site. No one seems to go on it anymore. The registered members I used to speak to liked me but now they have stopped posting since my ban. But the man who ran the site didn't like me. Maybe Andy don't like me either?
Re: Yes Andy Rourke has a site here it is...

> I am banned from this site. No one seems to
> go on it anymore. The registered members I used to speak to liked me but
> now they have stopped posting since my ban. But the man who ran the site
> didn't like me. Maybe Andy don't like me either?
You are banned? Now that is a suprise!
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