The World Won't Listen


R.A. Gonzalez, Jr.

Whilst listening to "The World Won't Listen," I was continually staring at the back picture of the album track listing; thereupon, I noticed that the four girls pictured slightly resemble the actual members of the Smiths. (Now I don't know if this has been discussed before or not, but I'll continue anyway).
From left to right, the four girls resemble M. Joyce, A. Rourke, J. Marr, and S. Morrissey, respectively. The resemblence to the members of the Smiths includes both facial and personality similarities (the facial similarities is pretty apparent enough, while the personality similarities...just look at the way the girls are standing/posing; one can picture the Smiths posing in the same manner).
Anyway, that was my recent revelation. What do you think?
I used to think that too, up until I read that the picutres were taken outside of a Beatles concert... I think it was the Beatles, or the photographer took picutres for the Beatles...

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Also, read this...

From Songs That Saved Your Life by Simon Goddard...

"...the album's packaging contained one of Morrissey's more esoteric visual jokes: its back cover sixties period photograph by Jurgen Vollmer of four teenage girls at a fairground bore an uncanny similarity to The Smiths themselves (left to right the girls supposedly represent Joyce, Rourke, Marr and Morrissey)"

I've had than album for some time and only NOW did I figure it out. (Better late than never). Nevertheless, I'm glad to know that my late discovery was not me just being a little of my rocker. Thanks for the posts.
Whats up abe?? how's texas?? hows the tat?? interesting and big dude must've been freakin out that day??? dice,as in andrew dice clay??? I love that guy...he's funny as hell. What the hell was he doing in 7-11???
The Dice Man was buying Icees with his kids... Texas is good... Seems to be a bit more normal than it was when I first came back... I am fully adjusted to the weather... well, not really.

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