Morrissey says he can't get a decent vegatarian meal in L.A......?


Sharron Needles

Is he insane??? Right down the street at Real Food Daily on La Cienega for one thing. Some people must not have any taste buds....... You can't eat scones all day long. Ok, I'm off to get drunk. Ta....

Insert Yoshinoya joke here

...etc and so forth....
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with eating scones all day. I love them. IN fact, I'm going to have one now!

Incidentally, how do you lot pronounce the word 'scone'?
To rhyme with 'stone' or 'gone'. I reckopn the former is correct, but have been lambasted for trying to sound posh!
Re: Insert Yoshinoya joke here

As you should appreciate me...what the symphony orchestra is on vaca or something???? what about the all male review??? closed down??? I suspect so...Unless Im running wont make any money. Its nice to see you've finally come around....
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