


In case you are all wondering(and I'm sure you are) I am still working on ways to woo the most precious woman in the whole world.Yep ! That's right,none other than Suzanne.
I know some people on here regard her as a Bunny Boiler but I am sure the vast majority already realise just what she means to me.
Anyway,what I am looking for is some constructive suggestions of ways to try and win this womans affections. She has the biggest heart and to be a part of her life in anyway whatsoever would mean the world to me.
Thanks Moz fans.
Tee xx
I think Suzanne might be really into rationality so you might want to start by being less scary.
You're starting to become rather strange Tee. I'd leave it, if I was you.

that scared me

> In case you are all wondering(and I'm sure you are) I am still working on
> ways to woo the most precious woman in the whole world.Yep ! That's
> right,none other than Suzanne.
> I know some people on here regard her as a Bunny Boiler but I am sure the
> vast majority already realise just what she means to me.
> Anyway,what I am looking for is some constructive suggestions of ways to
> try and win this womans affections. She has the biggest heart and to be a
> part of her life in anyway whatsoever would mean the world to me.
> Thanks Moz fans.
> Tee xx

that scared the bejesus out of me....if i was suzanne i would change my name and enter into a protection program
> In case you are all wondering(and I'm sure you are) I am still working on
> ways to woo the most precious woman in the whole world.Yep ! That's
> right,none other than Suzanne.
> I know some people on here regard her as a Bunny Boiler but I am sure the
> vast majority already realise just what she means to me.
> Anyway,what I am looking for is some constructive suggestions of ways to
> try and win this womans affections. She has the biggest heart and to be a
> part of her life in anyway whatsoever would mean the world to me.
> Thanks Moz fans.
> Tee xx

It is soooooo obvious this guy is just taking the piss!! I can't believe you lot are falling for it.
He would run a mile if he saw S,S face to face.Mind you , so would I:)
He/she may well be taking the mick, but it's hardly the funniest thing I've read on the ole' interweb.
its the simple things in life

> In case you are all wondering(and I'm sure you are) I am still working on
> ways to woo the most precious woman in the whole world.Yep ! That's
> right,none other than Suzanne.
> I know some people on here regard her as a Bunny Boiler but I am sure the
> vast majority already realise just what she means to me.
> Anyway,what I am looking for is some constructive suggestions of ways to
> try and win this womans affections. She has the biggest heart and to be a
> part of her life in anyway whatsoever would mean the world to me.
> Thanks Moz fans.
> Tee xx

like revealing who you are....
psst. look behind you.

> It is soooooo obvious this guy is just taking the piss!! I can't believe
> you lot are falling for it.

we aren't. i'm sure someone out there thinks i'm that lonely that i'd fall for it.

> He would run a mile if he saw S,S face to face.Mind you , so would I:)

heh...well don't click on my profile, then...

its a landmark because its probably the only presentable recent picture i own ("recent" meaning taken within the last 15 years)
hee hee hee hee


i made it myself. basically, whatever the cost of the material and thread...
Re: hee hee hee hee

> honestly?

> i made it myself. basically, whatever the cost of the material and
> thread...
You know where I was going. You did a really nice job on your dress.
When I get married all my bridesmaids are going to wear short black dresses so they wear them again.
Re: hee hee hee hee

> You know where I was going. You did a really nice job on your dress.

thanks. home ec classes do come in handy!

> When I get married all my bridesmaids are going to wear short black
> dresses so they wear them again.

that's good thinking. i don't know where i'm wearing this one again to. halloween parties i guess.
Re: hee hee hee hee

> You know where I was going. You did a really nice job on your dress.
> When I get married all my bridesmaids are going to wear short black
> dresses so they wear them again.

When's the big day then?? Are we all invited??
Re: hee hee hee hee

> When's the big day then?? Are we all invited??

yeah she now has to post her pics.

i don't anticipate having a "big day" of my own, but weddings are usually all about spending ungodly amounts of money for things you only use once.
Re: hee hee hee hee

> yeah she now has to post her pics.
We should be in the pics. Moz-solo forum mob crowding around Caleb and his Bloody Bride.

> i don't anticipate having a "big day" of my own, but weddings
> are usually all about spending ungodly amounts of money for things you
> only use once.
So are 3-day drinking binges.
Re: hee hee hee hee

> When's the big day then?? Are we all invited??
Sept 6 and yes, everyone is invited!!
Re: hee hee hee hee

>>> We should be in the pics. Moz-solo forum mob crowding around Caleb and his
> Bloody Bride.>>> OMG, what a great idea.
> So are 3-day drinking binges.
LOL, I will be lucky to get away with a 3 day drinking binge. We rented a house for the summer down at the shore so I think its going to be more like a 3 month drinking binge.

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