You Lot - what does Moz fill his time with ?



I think he surfs the net for asexual porn all day, probably sends Stipey cheeky e-mails and the odd virus or two to Johnny Marr.

...and you guys want to read his autobiography. Shwwweew.
> I think he surfs the net for asexual porn all day

What's asexual porn?

An amoeba splitting in two ?
> I think he surfs the net for asexual porn all day, probably sends Stipey
> cheeky e-mails and the odd virus or two to Johnny Marr.

> ...and you guys want to read his autobiography. Shwwweew.

Not Porn. He makes it quite clear in "I can have both". He says "I've not been feeling myself tonight"
>spends his time tearing up newspapers to make a nest and then sleeps in it like a giant rat.
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