Being a Morrissey fan



I'm writing an article for a local art magazine about being a Morrissey fan. If anyone would care to give me a few words to quote in the article, that'd be great.
Thanks all!
Morrissey fans are unique, they appreciate real music that Morrissey has sung. Morrissey is not seen as a conventional artist but much greater, he is seen as a god like figure to some. His lyrical manner answers many people's question to life and allows many people to relate to him. Being a Morrissey fan isn't normal, but there is no such thing in life as normal :)
being a moz fan is to be stoic in the face of mindlessness and misunderstanding while wearing a wink and a smile
Being a Morrissey fan: It's not something I tell to first-time acquaintances. or co-workers. or family. or clergymen. It's not that I'm ashamed of it, I just don't want it to define me. I'm not interested in talking about it because, personally, I don't think it really matters.

Also, the last time I tried to talk about it openly with my mother was incredibly awkward... She just couldn't wrap her head around how a guy could possibly be into Morrissey, and the conversation ended on kind of a sour note. Ever since then, she always tries to drop these not-so-subtle hints that she's come to terms with the fact that I listen to Morrissey, and it's always really embarrassing.
Being a Morrissey fan is something that is always with you, if the feeling is strong enough. I hadn't been listening to his music for months and then something really bad happened in my life, a situation that usually spirals into more and more bad choices, but not this time, no. Instead I just started listening to Moz all the time for a while and after a few weeks, I just snapped out of it, put my life back on track, patched up my relationship with someone special to me and found a new job.
I just don't believe all that would not have happened if I did not have his music with me. :guitar:
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