Mystery support act for Red Rocks to be announced May 6th

What? Its Blondie again? Srsly, i would rather have wing opening for him then Blondie again.
I can't help to think that Blondie and Morrissey is such a mismatched act....
A person can dream. Sadly i think Morrissey has Blondie to pull in more people

Probably true as I don't see much cross section of there fan bases. I think Blondie is doing the same though. Never cared for them And would never see them live if they didn't open for moz
Isn't this all arse-backward? In the UK, Blondie are much bigger than Morrissey, and he'd be opening for them. Are they not so popular in the USA?

Maybe blondie has become morrisseys bitch?
Or debbie has a crush on moz?
Or hell has frozen over ?
Or the obvious answer: morrissey never opens for anyone, anymore! Hell if Jesus and moz were doing a show together, Jesus would be the opening act

Morris, he is the king over anyone!
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morrissey never opens for anyone

That's not what the ice cream man told me.

But perhaps he was just boasting. You know, Latin people, they always exaggerate. Me I'd say, ajar, at the max.
Probably true as I don't see much cross section of there fan bases. I think Blondie is doing the same though. Never cared for them And would never see them live if they didn't open for moz

They are mostly a tee shirt ban here. Everyone knows heart of glass but in the macro culture they did not strike here. Probably because nothing else sound like heart of glass but they do get written about when mags do genre pieces. They get read about way more than anyone plays there records and I'm an east coast guy a few hours from ny all of my life
Morrissey is on a mission to find female supporters. There aren't many, but he'll find them all, and they'll all open for him. That will show us!

He's currently trying to contact Tammy Wynette.
I'd love to see Blondie and to see Blondie support Morrissey. Blondie back in the 1970's were much bigger than Morrissey has since been, with the number one hits and massive airplay. I understood that Blondie were bigger in the UK than they were in the US . Parallel Lines was #1 in UK, in the US it was #6. Plastic Letters (Moz favourite) was #10 in UK, #78 in US. And I agree, Morrissey should never be a support act for anyone. I wrote and told him that after he did the support for David Bowie.
Blondie are not bigger than Morrissey in the U.K. They play in Academies and other theatres whilst Morrissey plays in arenas.

The support has been announced as Future Islands anyway.
It's already beginnig. As I said earlier, people will complain and complain and complain ... I thought that this is Morrissey's pattern. Oh, well ...
Well I think hes mentioned a lot of modern bands that I don't think people would expect him to like because they would be embarrassed by it themselves. I will say that future island should please many here if not me but I'm not going anyway.
He needs to have Future Islands open. To give him that kick in the ass he needs to do a great show.

That performance of that song, is better than the Letterman performance that went viral last year. If you don't know about these guys, and if you are a Morrissey fan, you have to start listening.

hay, this is goood!
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Tout ce patacaisse pour ça !!!!! Je connais même pas Future Islands...... je doit être bête alors............. Encore toutes mes excuses pour mon ignorance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Benny,

Is that Morrissey spray painting a penis on all the Manchester pothole or someother retard?

I'm sorry it's taken so long to respond to your question, I've been busy with calling Steven to task with regards to the F Y F festival not being animal friendly, your question is very important and here I am at last ( I do my best ).

The person you refer to is not Silly Steven but he is a local hero who gets his hands dirty at the coal face unlike you know who.
He goes by the name of #anksy and thanks to him many potholes have been repaired within 24 hrs of him spraying a penis on them around the Bury/Ramsbottom area, however at the writing of this he is considering stepping down for fear of being arrested by the police.
Just imagine that classic line by the Beatles " I read the news today oh my ! 6,000 penis's in Bury Lancashire ". LOL !

Sorry but better late than never, please support the campaign to stop Silly Steven performing at the F Y F festival which is NOT animal friendly by posting an e-mail to Julia Riley at true to you stating Steven is a CrankFraud hypocrite if he goes ahead and performs at the NOT animal friendly festival.


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