What turns you on?


making lemonade
What turns you on in the opposite sex? Or same sex if you are gay/lesbian?

Besides physical attraction, I am really drawn to the spoken voice.

On the flip side, I am turned-off by a lame voice or horrible accent. It works both ways.

While I am mostly only intrigued by the male voice, I do think Scarlett Johansson has an alluring, sensual voice that I find very appealing.

How about you? What lights your fire?
Hands. Forearms. Long sleeved shirts rolled up to the elbows.

Intelligence and confidence

Physically? Kind eyes and a genuine smile.
And he should be physically fit - it shows he has a lifestyle similar to mine.
Personality wise I think I was attracted to different people when I was younger. Maniacs was my thing. Now I'm into lovely people with the slight hint of mania. So altogether a slightly better type of not mania, but someone who can annoy me enough to keep me on my toes.
As a runner and cyclist, I have to admit, legs. Heck, I shave mine, I like looking at them even. On the trainer right now.
On women, I like legs. But I'm happy about mine
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