Re: Morrissey/Smiths East Coast Party



Hello everyone! :) I just wanted to update again on the upcoming party. I still don't have a finalized date yet. I have to get some more ppl. to email me with ideas. Please, if anyone out here is interested in attending or helping out with an East Coast Morrissey/Smiths party, please, contact me with your ideas. I live in New Jersey. I am only 25 minutes from the city of Philadelphia, PA. I would like to have the party near my area (since I am hosting it) of Gloucester County. There are many direct routes to arrive here even if you are coming from Philadelphia. Well, again, the date can be up to you. I have a friend who will lend me her condo for the night. It would have to be on a weekend though. (Unless her schedule changes). I would not be ludicrous to announce the party during the KROQ festival.:) I was thinking maybe the 2nd/3rd weekend of October or 1st/2nd week of November, not too close to the Thanksgiving holiday though, due to travelers. Well, t/c & c/u in the chat. If again, you can help with helping me host, serve food, decorate, bring music, cleanup, or anything....Please, contact me! Tx. in advance.
> Hello everyone! :) I just wanted to update again on the upcoming¿ party. I still don't have a finalized date yet. I have to get¿ some more ppl. to email me with ideas. Please, if anyone out¿ here is interested in attending or helping out with an East¿ Coast Morrissey/Smiths party, please, contact me with your¿ ideas. I live in New Jersey. I am only 25 minutes from the city¿ of Philadelphia, PA. I would like to have the party near my area¿ (since I am hosting it) of Gloucester County. There are many¿ direct routes to arrive here even if you are coming from¿ Philadelphia. Well, again, the date can be up to you. I have a¿ friend who will lend me her condo for the night. It would have¿ to be on a weekend though. (Unless her schedule changes). I¿ would not be ludicrous to announce the party during the KROQ¿ festival.:) I was thinking maybe the 2nd/3rd weekend of October¿ or 1st/2nd week of November, not too close to the Thanksgiving¿ holiday though, due to travelers. Well, t/c & c/u in the¿ chat. If again, you can help with helping me host, serve food,¿ decorate, bring music, cleanup, or anything....Please, contact¿ me! Tx. in advance.

I am Interested, since I live in NJ as well, and would love to meet other MOZ fans out there. When u have any info or concerns and what not please e-mail me at: [email protected].
Daghenham Dave
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