Morrissey Statement Re: The Norway Massacre -

Morrissey statement -

29 July 2011


The recent killings in Norway were horrific. As usual in such cases, the media give the killer exactly what he wants: worldwide fame. We aren't told the names of the people who were killed - almost as if they are not considered to be important enough, yet the media frenzy to turn the killer into a Jack The Ripper star is .... repulsive. He should be un-named, not photographed, and quietly led away.
The comment I made onstage at Warsaw could be further explained this way: Millions of beings are routinely murdered every single day in order to fund profits for McDonalds and KFCruelty, but because these murders are protected by laws, we are asked to feel indifferent about the killings, and to not even dare question them.
If you quite rightly feel horrified at the Norway killings, then it surely naturally follows that you feel horror at the murder of ANY innocent being. You cannot ignore animal suffering simply because animals "are not us."

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I knew he meant something like this, but maybe if one can't say exactly the right thing the first time around, one should keep one's mouth shut until a statement has been properly formulated. That said, he can't get a break and anything he says is likely to be misconstrued, so even if he'd made a more carefully thought out statement from the stage, we'd still be having this argument.
Morissey is probably convinced his "explanation" tells truth because it seems to him to contain logic. All it contains is an example of extremely poor reasoning, mixing up terms like "being" and "human being" or "people", and the words "killing" and "murder". It's called false analogy in logic and first grade students are taught not to make these kind of mistakes. Some forget those lessons...
This man may be talented for music, but let him keep his moral judgements to himself. He hasn't anything to teach the world.
Morissey is probably convinced his "explanation" tells truth because it seems to him to contain logic. All it contains is an example of extremely poor reasoning, mixing up terms like "being" and "human being" or "people", and the words "killing" and "murder". It's called false analogy in logic and first grade students are taught not to make these kind of mistakes. Some forget those lessons...
This man may be talented for music, but let him keep his moral judgements to himself. He hasn't anything to teach the world.

Who are you to judge about WHO is allowed to express an opinion in this world? If you knew anything about why people love Morrissey you would shut your mouth. He is always on the side of the misfits in society, of the lonely souls, the bullied etc. He always defends the defenseless and the weak in à brutally honest and outspoken way. Thats why we love him. Because we must.
Morissey is probably convinced his "explanation" tells truth because it seems to him to contain logic. All it contains is an example of extremely poor reasoning, mixing up terms like "being" and "human being" or "people", and the words "killing" and "murder". It's called false analogy in logic..

No, it's not called a false analogy. The analogy is correct but you disagree with the premise upon which is based, which is the premise that the division between humans and animals is arbitrary and deeply flawed. Or that the definition of murder legally (ie, the killing of a human being) is insufficient.

The premises would be:
Human beings are animals.
The difference between humans and animals are of degree, not kind. Many animals (apes, whales, dolphins) are capable of self awareness. Many animals (apes, ravens, crows) are capable of using tools, etc.
Our laws and language create a sharp division between humans and animals that does not reflect with reality.

Again, it's not flawed logic. You simple disagree with the premises upon which it is based.
All very 'well' (not really). But there's no apology for the insensitive timing of the comment. And also he's wrong. The names of the victims have been/are being published. It just takes a while to identify them and notify the families before they're are officially named. And by comparing the Norwegian murderer (who shouldn't be named) to Jack The Ripper Morrissey actually manages to contradict the point he's trying to make about the how the murderer shouldn't be treated as anyone of any importance (btw, I agree with this point, but I don't think Morrissey is making it in a very clever way at all).

I'm quite positively sure that Morrissey isn't evil and that he's possibly affected by what happened in Norway (to the extent he is able to be affected by anything which I fear isn't much) but to make that comparison is still showing a lack of intelligence and a lack of feeling with the world around him. But I guess in Morrissey's mind he IS the world.

To repeat myself from an earlier post. If Morrissey compares the tragedy of the people killed in Norway to the tragedy of animals being slaughtered every day (and that IS a tragedy too) then he should also have compared the murder of his cousin that he mentioned at a concert a few years ago in the same manner. Until he does that, I can't really accept this vague 'explanation' from Morrissey. Not that he cares what I think of course.

Morrissey is probably the most intelligent pop star who has made it big. It's a shame people are now attacking him for the very qualities that they once lauded him for - being outspoken, contrary and a little melodramatic. I suppose it's age: they all think he should have sorted himself out by now. Thank you drop dead!

Look, Morrissey has at least explained what he meant, which is a good thing. It is - I agree with a few others on here - a shame he hasn't apologised for the wording of his verbal remark, which was clumsy at best and deeply crass at worst. But I wouldn't hold your breath. He apologised to Elton at Meltdown but he won't apologise to the families of the dead in Norway now! That's Morrissey for you.

I agree with him re: the celebrity of killers. Yet didn't Morrissey write a song called Jack the Ripper, write a song featuring the line 'the romance of crime' and name-check the Kray twins in TLOTFIPBs? How does this fit in with this note? If it's so vulgar to participate in the celebrity of killers, why did he give so much attention to Ronnie and Reggie?

It's a shame he didn't just apologise for his wording. He did not mean any harm - that much I'm sure of.

Morrissey loves animals and anyone who has followed him over the years must realise he was driven by love for the animals rather than gratuitous disregard for the feelings of the human victims.
Morrissey, I think it's time to call it a day. Get off the stage and keep your opinions to yourself before you hurt more people. Cancel your gigs, give ticket refunds and call it a day... go home, read a book and for the love of God: keep quiet!
This does not equal an apology. What a horrible thing to say, showing no sensitivity. I am a vegetarian, but am tempted to eat meat after a statement like this.

People, please don't compare his views with those of vegetarians. I am one, but I don't push my beliefs on others and I certainly don't compare it to the mass murder of children.
Morrissey, I think it's time to call it a day. Get off the stage and keep your opinions to yourself before you hurt more people. Cancel your gigs, give ticket refunds and call it a day... go home, read a book and for the love of God: keep quiet!

He Will not thank god. Viva Moz!
threw away your cds and everything else - you are mad, idiot, go to hell and never come back!
Dont You ever show up in Norway, stay away, get lost and stay lost!! Persona non grata! Your CDs are burning in the streets!! We fill up the MP3 players with other musick, You are a NONE personen, a item to forget, unhuman, no feelings and noe human refelction in a mirror!! In short terms.. f*** YOU!!
"The task of the activist is NOT to navigate the systems of oppressive power with as much personal integrity as possible; it is to dismantle those systems" -- Lierre Keith.

My only complain is that MORRISSEY has not been MILITANT enuff.

Leave him alone you myopic fools.
threw away your cds and everything else - you are mad, idiot, go to hell and never come back!

The true fans Will never do that. Dont even try. You clearly dont understand why we love Morrissey. Once in love with Morrissey, always in love.
Nuff said.
And all the love Norway.
He basically reiterated his point/comment from the concert.

He just does not get it--drawing a parallel between the two is shameful.

As I said under the original news item, Morrissey has begun to completely lose all credibility with many people. His musical output has steadily diminished in quality over the past four/five releases, and his rants have become more and more ridiculous.

If one were to look at his lyrics from his early years to now, the recent influx of profanity and general mundane lyrical topics shows someone who is nearing the end--and a sad one at that.

It is a sad to see what was once a shining lyricist devolve into a somewhat cranky, uncreative dolt.
Morrissey is probably the most intelligent pop star who has made it big. It's a shame people are now attacking him for the very qualities that they once lauded him for - being outspoken, contrary and a little melodramatic. I suppose it's age: they all think he should have sorted himself out by now. Thank you drop dead!

Look, Morrissey has at least explained what he meant, which is a good thing. It is - I agree with a few others on here - a shame he hasn't apologised for the wording of his verbal remark, which was clumsy at best and deeply crass at worst. But I wouldn't hold your breath. He apologised to Elton at Meltdown but he won't apologise to the families of the dead in Norway now! That's Morrissey for you.

I agree with him re: the celebrity of killers. Yet didn't Morrissey write a song called Jack the Ripper, write a song featuring the line 'the romance of crime' and name-check the Kray twins in TLOTFIPBs? How does this fit in with this note? If it's so vulgar to participate in the celebrity of killers, why did he give so much attention to Ronnie and Reggie?

It's a shame he didn't just apologise for his wording. He did not mean any harm - that much I'm sure of.

Morrissey loves animals and anyone who has followed him over the years must realise he was driven by love for the animals rather than gratuitous disregard for the feelings of the human victims.


It's not that he needed to explain what he meant. I think we all got it the first time 'round. I also think no one here is surprised that he'd make a comment like that, because yes, he's made several stupid comments before.

It's just that the timing of his comment is so exceptionally bad and the argument not very well articulated. It seems to me that it's the combination of the timing/clumsy wording that some people are reacting to. We all know Morrissey lives to be 'provocative' and 'different' and 'misunderstood' - hell, it's probably the only joy he has in life (!).

I don't agree that Morrissey is especially intelligent. He's reasonably intelligent and he has a great sense of humour and a brilliant voice. But he's certainly not 'probably the most intelligent pop star who has made it big.' Perhaps the reason some people 'are now attacking him for the very qualities that they once lauded him for' is that they feel cheated that he in fact ISN'T as intelligent as they once gave him credit for?!?! Not that that would be any news at this point.

By the way, I LOVE his voice and I saw him in concert recently in Denmark and thought he was great. I still find him pretty amusing at times and can appreciate some of his ramblings. But 'statements' like this one, no matter how much I agree that we should treat animals better, is not a good example of either his intelligence, humour or even activism. It just makes him look stupid and out of touch with the world and thus diminishing the point he's trying to make in the first place - in my opinion.
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The whole Meat is murder song, the "little lamb on a hill-YOU'RE JUST LIKE ME", explain everything. If we had to be mad at him, we should have been from the past. Morrissey has been clear about his views on animal rights and he still is. This statement explained a lot to me. As an anti-racist teenager, of course was I shocked with the Norway murders ! But I am also shocked when I see the torturing of so many animals, a thing that happens every day in a great amount. Still, I am more concerned about the 94 children, but I understand why Morrissey is with the thousands of animals. And I hope real fans understand it too
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Morrissey lost it, this clarification is hypocite as he sung of the Krays
the Moors Murders, etc

Dunno what those innocent people who shot but a psycho, has to
do with being him being a vegan, yes we know that long ago
Dunno why a richt wing blowing up a car before Oslo[Norwegian] department of oil

as I wrote on alIIneedMorrissey

He desperately trying to get a recordeal, this is why he is touring, and he likes it,
and makes money of it, but his past weeks behaviour is , I dunno, it's not really
Morrissey who I knew since 1983, yes he said/written extreme thing, but instead
of talking about the dead he points on that psycho, who he says must not get media attention,
but he just did, and done:confused:

return to valium
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