Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast food chains

Once again he shoots himself in the foot.

Morrissey: 'Norway Attacks Nothing Compared To Actions Of Fast Good Giants' - Gigwise
He claims...

Morrissey has courted criticism after he reportedly compared the actions of fast food companies to the recent attacks in Norway.

At least 76 people died last week in two separate attacks which were both orchestrated by far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik.

Morrissey, a staunch vegetarian, made reference the massacre during a performance in at Stodola Club in Warsaw, Poland earlier this week, according to the Daily Mirror.

Before playing The Smiths' song 'Meat is Murder', he is quoted as saying: “We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead.

“Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Sh*t every day.”

Video footage of Morrissey performing the song has been published on YouTube, but it omits his alleged introduction.

Morrissey's comment is the latest in a string of outbursts in recent months, many of which have focussed on animal welfare.

Link from Tingle3:

Morrissey says Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast food chains - Daily Mirror
by Ashleigh Rainbird

MORRISSEY has sparked outrage after saying the tragedy in Norway was “nothing” compared to the actions of fast food chains.

The controversial singer, 52, made his remark while on stage at a gig in Warsaw on Sunday night.

Before launching into his hit Meat is Murder, the outspoken vegetarian made reference to the horrific events last Friday.

Referring to the death toll as thought at the time he said: “We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead. Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried S*** every day.”

Two nights earlier the singer introduced the same song with another lambasting of the brands.

Gig-goers took to his fan sites to condemn the his outburst. One wrote: “The killing of children compared to KFC & McDonald’s?!!! What an ass****!”

Another wrote: “I really don’t know if that is *forgivable? Or of any use to the vegetarian cause?”

A spokesman said last night: “Morrissey has decided not to comment any further as he believes his statement speaks for itself.”

Update 10/18/2011:

Sistasheila posted the link to the video and actual words spoken during the concert:

"Despite the love, we do live on a murderous planet,
as you will have seen over the last few days in Norway.
Murder murder murder.
But really, every single day, worse things happen in KFC and McDonalds.
Murder, murder, murder, murder, murder..."

Link from inourbritches:
Morrissey: 'McDonald's, KFC worse than Norway massacre' - Digital Spy

Also, links posted by anonymous persons in the Warsaw post-show:
Meat biz worse than Norway: Morrissey - LFPress /
Morrissey lekceważąco o norweskiej tragedii -
Morrissey: – Massakren i Norge er ingenting mot massakren på Mc Donald's hver dag -

80s Icon in Hot Water, a Facebook Status Leads To an Arrest, and a Whale Thanks its Rescuers in a Touching Way - Yahoo! News blog. Link from Desert Bee.
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Re: Article: Morrissey: 'Norway Attacks Nothing Compared To Actions Of Fast Good Gian

Perfectly, exactly wrong. The concept of "speciesism" is central to the animal rights movement, as you'd know if you read perhaps the most famous work on the matter, Peter Singer's Animal Liberation.

Those of you who roll your eyes at Morrissey on these matters have it exactly backwards. He's over your proudly middlebrow heads.

You sound as arrogant and patronising as Morrissey himself. Don't look to pop singers as the great thinkers of our time. He's really not that bright.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

"A spokesman said last night: “Morrissey has decided not to comment any further as he believes his statement speaks for itself.”

I give him credit for not embarrassing himself any further.

I agree with the comment above. I'm norwegian and this unbelievabel act of evil has struck a hole nation and at the same time torn down our foundation of wich our society was built upon. We have always looked at our selves as a people of tolerance and understanding towards all men. Just look at all the people across our nation holding hands, standing up for what we believe in. And at the same time showing our love and respect for those who are left behind, those who survived this horribel act of evil. For my sake, it sounds like Morrissey is missing that brain-to-mouth filter... I think he just had a BRAINFART, and after he said it, he realized how STUPID and IGNORANT he sounded when he said it. And another thing; What do all you Morrissey-groupies think he would have said if anything like this had happened to one of his loved one's... ? Just a thought...
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

This is one of those 'Love Morrissey, hate his views' moments. I understand what he's trying to say - which is that animals are suffering dreadfully and people look in the other direction on a massive scale, while spleens are vented when something like this happens to people - but the timing and the manner of expressing it is simply an attempt to draw more controversy and get his name in the papers (yet again). It's tragic if he intentionally does this. Why make such a crass statement, which is likely to upset and offend millions simply to get a point across about animal cruelty? I don't understand. This kind of hypocrisy - rubbing the humans' noses in it to defend animals only antogonises those who don't care for animals, reinforcing (their usually misguided) belief that animal rights campaigners care more about animals than about human beings. If he took a more measured tone, it would be less offensive and more powerful.

On a side note, if Morrissey is actually saying animals and humans ARE equal - and that the cruelty of KFC is therefore worse because more animals are killed - then why does he wear cow skin on his feet and why does he sit on cow skin seats in his expensive sports cars? Would he wear human skin? No. So surely Morrissey himself acknowledges this distinction, even if only because he chooses to utilize the dead animal industry when he sees fit.

Instead of the usual sycophantic nonsense or vague, unthinking questions Morrissey is asked by hacks, wouldn't it be good to see him confronted intelligently about some of these contradictions in an interview? Unforunately he would probably storm out if someone did.

My top questions:

1 if you are horrified at eating flesh, why wear did skin on your person?
2 if you want to frisk fans for meat when entering venues, why do you hang out with Nancy Sinatra and chat while she cooks dead nimals in the kitchen?
3 why did you eject david t from a gig simply for running a website for 15 years in your honour? Is it really his fault some stories prove to be a little inaccurate?
4 if you're so against rumours being posted on morrissey-solo then why do you rely on rumours and gossip when it suits? For eg. he allowed an unnamed 'tour spokeswoman' to comment on david's ejection, which was then reported widely. You can't have it both ways. If you don't want gossip and rumour to form the substance of 'news' about you, then you have to speak up for yourself.
5 what exactly about tony blair did you hate? You left britain after he was elected and returned when the tories got in. You said john redwood 'excited' you in the 90s. Are you a right wing tory?
6 you said 'black people and white people will never get along' 'that tunnel will collapse.' You alluded to the Chinese as 'a subspecies' and then you claim not to be a racist - and further you supported love mnusic, hate racism. How do you square your purported anti-racist views and occasional xenophobic protestations? I'm not attacking him here, or even saying his position is indefensible. He may not be racist, and indeed be against racism, but also feel he's perfectly right to comment on the behaviour of certain ethnic cultural or racial groups. But I would like to hear him explain it is all.
7 Why have you spoken so extensively about your private life over the years and then become angry that people pry? Wasn't it YOU who made your sexuality and lifestyle and intellectual attitude an issue rather than the press?
8 What do the lyrics to ambitious outsiders actually mean?
9 do you think the 80s morrissey would have been a fan of the 2011 morrissey?

Instead of interesting answer to these questions, we get the usual stuff - tell us about your latest songs, tell us again why you hate animal cruelty, oh and by the way do you think the Smiths might ever reform?

Well constructed and spelled-out beautifully!
ok, this is it!
He is out of my life!!
I´ll thank him for all these wounderful years, but to quote the big man himself:
And if you should die I may feel slightly sad But I won't cry
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

It has nothing to do with whether its a positive or negative opinion - it's due to the fact that this site is inserting some random person's opinion into what is supposedly a factual news piece. Opinions belong on a forum, or here - not as opening statements on a 'news' items. What headlines can we look forward to next - 'Morrissey, the talentless clown, is interviewed in this weeks NME'?

you really need to pull your head from out of your ass.....we all know this isn't the Huffington Post...for you to be appalled at the poster for voicing their opinion before the link to the article is quite sad....there are more important things going on in the world to be upset with than what someone thinks of Morrissey.:crazy:
The first line anybody sees when they connect to this fansite: "Once again he shoots himself in the foot."

And people wonder ...
Well said Morrissey. I commend your efforts to bring down the irrational bigotry of speciesism.

I hope you are vegan though as it is important to walk the talk and avoid any accusations of hypocrisy.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

The first line anybody sees when they connect to this fansite: "Once again he shoots himself in the foot."

And people wonder ...

it would be different if it weren't true...the man is socially retarded.
Just surprised he didn't have a dig at norwegians killing seals cause that even made the swedish king speak out and he's not allowed to speak about such issues. I remember when on holiday in Rhodes early 80's round about the time norwegians started to get wealthy from the oil. We were sat in the hotel restaurant around this big table when a norwegian family came by and threw the hotel room key onto the table claiming it was theirs and that the key had been placed there before we arrived.
Swedes and norwegians hate each other and it is all about sweden letting nazi trains pass through to Norway and that will never go away. Norwegians are terribly bad losers at sport and recently won at skiing when norwegian winner turned around before crossing finishing line to mock the swede coming second. Also a norwegian "rap" act made a song called "partysvensker" (party swedes) about the swedes working in Norway and stealing all their women because norwegian women are more or less obsessed with swedish men and no wonder. Well I wonder if norwegians party now to that tune or if they just shut up and pump their stinking oil?
Oh, and Liv Ullmann is the worst norwegian actress who never learned swedish and who was in a big scandal that made her look a fool. Jens Stoltenberg was caught on Burka Broadcasting Corporation laughing and smiling when he thought cameras were off after tragedy had happened. You can tell he thrives and already is counting his chickens and looks forward to becoming a political immortal.
Yes, we swedes hate Norway with a passion and they hate us and long may it continue.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

What a loco. Obviously brainwashed to his fingertips.

Loco - deranged? - for believing that the industrial wholesale murder of animals in the 21st Century is amoral. You would have probably thrown the same words at the anti slavery pioneers 100 plus years ago. "Why these people are mad, they must be retarded ... black people the same rights as us ... to be treated like fellow creatures ... never, never, that is madness and pure folly whatever next?.” Fact. The wholesale murder of animals and the meat industry through fast food manufacture is 1) killing people through cancer, heart disease and corpulence and 2) choking the planet with the enormous amount of shit pumped into the atmosphere. Not to mention the land raped to provide feed to these animals – as opposed to corn to feed the starving millions. Stupid, ugly, lazy carnivores, I hope you choke on your McMurder patty... you are responsible for allowing this planet to turn into a sewer: smug self satisfied and intellectually bankrupt you walk through the world with blinkers on – waiting for the next product announcement from Apple while congratulating yourself on your uniqueness. I am delighted that Moz has never wavered in his conviction that MEAT IS MURDER. And every time he rubs people’s bacon fat encrusted nose in it, I admire him even more.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

I am delighted that Moz has never wavered in his conviction that MEAT IS MURDER. And every time he rubs people’s bacon fat encrusted nose in it, I admire him even more.

Amen! Finally a REAL Morrissey fan on (what is after all) a Morrissey fansite.

McDonald's sells, worldwide, 75 hamburgers per second- making 6.48 million per day, or 2.365 billion per year. In the UK alone, the outlet had one billion customer visits in 2009, who bought 87 million Big Macs. Kentucky Fried Shit sells, worldwide, the equivalent of 736 million chickens each year.


All "fans" who slag off Morrissey at every chance are bloodsucking, Daily Mail reading, arrogant, shallow, ugly, cruel and CARNIVOROUS. f*** YOU ALL!

How sad that this man needs to make statemens like this to get attention, instead of making great music again. f*** you Morrisey, why don't you try making that statement again while on stage in Norway.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

I think a big problem is that even though he is totally brilliant in some ways, he's still very adolescent in others. So many teens have big "f*** conformity and lets rebel against the normal way of thinking!" attitudes, and Morrissey has never really progressed from this where as most people get to their 20s, 30s and beyond and look back at things they thought or said as a 16yr old and can be embarrassed because they realise how little they actually knew at the time. He shows it in other ways, like his inability to let a joke go, like his "royal dreading" comments, he just kept saying it over and over in a statement, like he was incapable of saying "royal wedding". It gets a giggle the first time but when you can't say it any other way because you're hammering across your point of view and making sure everyone know that you are controversially against such a thing ... its childish.
So with this sort of comment, it's not surprising, not everything is a chance to shock and a chance to push a particular agenda (in this case, vegetarianism/animal cruelty), sometimes a bit of tact is required and if you must say something, mention the situation at hand. Its sad that animals are butchered every day for KFC and Maccas, but that issue isn't going away any time soon, and there's plenty of time to campaign for it. A massacre like this (thankfully) doesn't come along often, and when it does it bares thinking about it solely. Unfortunately Morrissey can't exercise that judgement as I honestly don't think he's mentally matured enough, it happens with some people.
He's a genius in his line of work, but often geniuses in one way or another can be deeply flawed human beings.

No other comments needed. Sums it all up perfectly.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

What a moron! Either he is a total f-ing idiot, or he has no social antennas whatsoever. Or maybe both? Wonder if he would say the same if his kids were slayed down by a maniac? Morrisey can go f*** a dolphin or something...

Top of the food chain bitches! Id like to see him wrapped in bacon. Id tuck in right away, Im sure he would taste like shit.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

Let's be honest, Morrissey isn't exactly the brightest bulb.

He likes to portray himself as some great intelligent mind but in matters of real life and society, he's something of a moron.

Yeah he became a music icon but that legend doesn't extend to his social awareness and thoughts on world affairs.

The Morrissey apologists and bootlickers will now commence defending the undefendable remark Moz made and they won't even realize how foolish they are for even trying.

ABSOLUTELY!!! It's ridiculous how Morrissey can do no wrong in the eyes of so many of his fans. This comment was appalling the massacre of children was NOTHING in comparison with what happens in McDonalds and KFC? Had I made such a statement I would be hated on for it and rightly so, just because Morrissey is Morrissey it doesn't mean he should be an exception. And yes I am a fan of his music but today I felt sickened.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

Tomorrow I will burning the tshirt recently purchased at gig on the BBQ as I cook a juicy steak, the first in many years, as I no longer love or respect this man or anything he stood for - sickening, no clue of the value of life

How are you going to cook the steak when there's a t-shirt on the BBQ?
If you're not careful you could have a nasty incident on your hands.
Perhaps you should think of selling the t-shirt on e-bay and grilling four fish fingers instead.
You know it makes sense.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

But this time he's right! I absolutely despise what happens daily at the KFC and Mac Donalds.

You really are a brainwashed f***inng idiot. The two do not compare. Wash the cheese out from between your ears, retard.
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