Symbolic Stuff Nobody Gives a Crap About

"Ask me questions when I get to the top." That was a great video, he even announced it. Often viral videos are great and answer questions. He's reflecting the Wheel of Fortune card, he's teaching that the best time to ask questions of Ten Four is when she's at the top like the sphinx...even though the sphinx traditionally asks the questions. The fact he was speaking into the 16 mic might be a nod to the Tower card, one falls with his crown, the other without...the one with reigns and determines the course of action.

Nobody gives a shit while ironically everyone is giving awesome shit.

I don't like reading forced green. It's monopoly money, fake green. I've been tricked into buying boardwalk with it before, f*** it. Sorry. Not your fault, your predecessors fault.
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Starting tomorrow I have to be weather vane's taxi driver and source of entertainment until Sunday evening.

North South East West
Give me strength to pass this test.
This week the kittens are all learning the fraidy-cat-arched-back-tail-up-halloween pose. They're not learning it from mom because she has nothing to arch her back at, they're learning it from each other and it's irritating. A week ago it was the lovable band of cuddly pirates, today it's doot-de-doot-de-do WAAAAAAAHHHHHHH??????? IMA SLASH YOU MOFO!!!!!!!!! *runaway* Barney's pretty confused by it all. He's like "What the hell is your problem? You were just sleeping in the sun next to me five minutes ago?"

I can't wait until it's my old life again. Just Barney asleep on the couch. Jerry singing and swinging in the window. No sand. No catfood smell. No constant destruction. No worrying about leaving this door open or that door closed. Just peace and quiet.
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Pandora gave me these two songs in a row yesterday that morrissey sums up in one song because he's a multi-tasker. :D Built to Mouse Oboe Concerto.

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Look at this sweet little mess. :o I just picked him up so he didn't get squashed on the sidewalk. (After telling Barney to drop whatever was in his mouth.) I didn't expect him to live? He eats a lot and his poop is normal. He sleeps at night and chirps all day. WHen I lift him up he moves his left leg, but on his own he only uses his right leg and wing to scoot around, like he's had a stroke or something and doesn't use his left side. There's no visible breaks or dislocations...I dunno what I'm going to do with him. Mama cat is saying, "I have an idea..."

With this guy on the warm cable box and Jerry moulting silently in the corner safe from the cats, my room has become a weird avian hospital ward.
I guess today is my last day as a non-property owner. Not gonna lie, sorta nervous about it. My boss says it's a gift from God, that I need to just let go and accept it. I just hope I don't screw it up, ADD has a way of making you forget things. In my world it's my keys or that dentist appointment. In a more responsible world it's the quarterly property taxes or the insurance payment. :squiffy:
Damnit, I can't make a gif small enough to have the Neil Degrasse Tyson expression in it and you can fit a whole flipping movie in. I am shame.

It's a gift, really.

Arnold was just filming Terminator 5 down the street from me over the weekend. Love Total Recall. "Stick this up your nose!"

Yeah, I saw that they were filming a chase and some future war scenes in Nob Hill and using the Oracle office buildings as well. It is always funny to see locations you know when watching a was always especially annoying to see Long Beach double for Miami in "Dexter" as Lindsey would consistently point out locations where she wrecked her bike or had to hide in a bush or something. :p

"Total Recall" is amazing. Love, love, love Arnold.

My favorite part was always this:
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It's a gift, really.

Yeah, I saw that they were filming a chase and some future war scenes in Nob Hill and using the Oracle office buildings as well. It is always funny to see locations you know when watching a was always especially annoying to see Long Beach double for Miami in "Dexter" as Lindsey would consistently point out locations where she wrecked her bike or had to hide in a bush or something. :p

"Total Recall" is amazing. Love, love, love Arnold.

My favorite part was always this:

What a c***
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Papa tango Sierra delta
Papageno hidden in that NATO phonetic code for my exhausted state. 9am start tomorrow. I can do this. Wish I knew what my papagena was up to...if I have one. :o I have one I'm just...I can't describe it. Thirsty for real water.

Rest in peace, baby bird.
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