Symbolic Stuff Nobody Gives a Crap About


So it seems like you're mocking me. But flors are flowers in Lolcat which in TLotB is a legitimate (yet stupid) form of communication.


So the shit becomes gold. EASY to process when sitting on your ass in front of a computer. HARD to process when someone is throwing a cup at your head (that was great) or telling you about a road and you think they're saying something else because you have rockandroll ears.

protip: vowels are free. AEIOU are all the same letter phonetically, so in green they all count as the same. In my meager and unchecked experience. But they do.

That other guy hinted at the Battelier, the magician with his bat comment. Sausage is Jesus backwards. He takes Jesus in the mouth and bum, he consumes Jesus. I can't turn bum references shit to gold, it's too literal.

Solo is a steaming, beautiful, wonderful pile of shit. It's a gold mine waiting to be translated.
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I want people to call me names and mock me, but I've become so thoroughly irritating by saturating the board, I get ignored. So I convert your shit since mine don't stink. :D Being NOT SIMPLE but complex is hardly a tennis bracelet, it's like a gold stud in a Mexican newborn's lobe. I want to be offended. I want people to f***ing nail me to the cross with their stupid, worthless words. And I want to transform those words to something interesting. A message in a BotL that stretches beyond who Morrissey is f***ing or not f***ing and answers awesome questions like if it's too late to repair the ozone or a viable solution to dismantling factory farms.
Solve et Coagula. Solutions to problems are hidden in Satan's insults. It's the order of things, the antidote dwells within the virus. Bird is the key to extracting the solution from insults and converting the shit to the golden state of Gnostic Awareness.
Disgusting! So offensive. They're striking an Isis pose, she's the kneel, he's the wings. In meditation one of the most powerful catalysts of change is to channel Isis and Osiris as Androgyne. (I make them Michael.) I've been backing off on my Isis meditations for obvious reasons :)eek:) but their presence is still ever-present if you can find them. The new question is, "What's a man?" Redefine it instead of react to it.



Who is Saturn married to? Jupiter. What is Jupiter's code number? 42. Why? Because her glyph looks like a coat hanger which looks like 42.

Jupiter is the planetary essence of the Sacred Feminine. Everyone wants to make her the moon and venus, but her indy status is the hard working, androgynous Jupiter. She goes by Peter and all it's derivations, Jackie, Rob, (I know, right?) because Jackie Robinson was 42. Stay with me...her metal equivalent is Tin which is Ten, Tan, Ton, Tun....she often hides in doNUTs in pop culture which is amazing because donuts are the symbolic equivalent of the SUN, but she's the female equivalent of the SUN or SON which we revere for it's solar power that contributes so much OBVIOUS warmth to our planet, Jupiter contributes the hidden, mystical element to our planet. She's like the boss of ghosts. It's fun to spot her in pop culture. She's Mrs Robinson in the song (but not the movie, in the movie Mrs Robinson is the oppressor and keeper of secrets, fear and control, the devil incarnate.)

Anyway, Jupiter is the lady at the table of men, the Mary Magdalene if you will in Christian symbology. But she wears a crown like the men but disguised as woman.

In Bird she hides often in phrases like "Tea for two." and others I'm blanking on now because I gotta do real work irl bye.

Jupiter's "job" is to "take it." To not fight. She's the key to world peace. Instead of fighting, she converts shit to gold. Look. (I love this trailer, it's better than the movie but the movie is worth watching. It's slow.)

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Okay. So assuming Jupiter is the hardware, the software that operates her is Le Monde, or 22. The eternal dancer. Le Monde goes by BB, baby, V, five, quintessence, Quinn, Wink, Queen, Mink, Monk, Manc, the world, Lemon Delight, Lemon, Lime, Limey, Mile, Meal, Mael, Lame, Mare, philly, lady horse, and a lot of others, she's like the social butterfly of the sign world. Her posture is a loose glyph of 42. She's in constant communication with John, Paul, Peter and Mark.


If you're confused why her card reads 21, it's because the Fool card is 0, but she's the 22nd card in the major arcana, as explained by this movie: Note the dude that isn't Jona Hill is wearing a 24 jersey. 42. And talk of sex changes and emasculation, all Jupiter issues since she's classicly considered a male planet.

Everyone is learning this subconsciously in pop culture. Right now. It's God redefining mythology in order to have us get to a point where we start questioning and examining male-driven stereotypes and traditions in favor for a mindset that's driven more by empathy and compassion. Jupiter is getting that shit done.
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More movies celebrating Deb's rise. 42 is DB or Deb. She has to court Saturn first but it's awkward because half the time Saturn feels like Jupiter and Jupiter feels like Saturn, so they get lost in their own sexuality and natural vs nurtural preprogrammed agendas. All they know is they identify with BOTH.

They're harvesting livestock now.

Topical behind the scenes drama. :D

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I am daaaaaaaarunk. My dad bought a $220 keg of IPA and kept refilling my cup. If I don't get this shit sober before the seventh inning stretch NO EVIL will be taken out. An 8% IPA no less. I'm wasted. I can do this. A little panda Expeess. One more beer. Some water. A lot of water. TROUT TROUT THE FISH IS OUT. TROUT TROUT f*** THE TOUT. TROUT TROUT WOTHOUT A DOUBT. OMG drunktiems. My dad's angels playlist was Gogi Grant, Floyd Cramer, Patty Loveless, Jimmy Dorsey, The Safaris, Hugo Winterhalte...God bless a Canadian Sunset.
The poles are so off its ridiculous.
Epicfail on the attempt to teach Art Hounds Class tonight. I don't mean to get all aunt BLAME but the problem was pure distraction. I gotta go to games and concerts alone, it's the only way it works.

When you go to a game sometimes they hand out these things called thunder sticks. THey're essentially two long balloons made out of thick mylar that you blow up and whack together, noise makers. So my dad is mellow but pretty chatty most the game, but workably mellow, enough that I was able to tune him out and pay attention. Around the 6th inning this guy sits down next to him who must've either had massive ADHD or was on meth, he wouldn't sit still. He also has the thunder sticks. THey're meant for times when there's a runner in scoring position and the crowd's going nuts. This guy sat there and whacked the f*** out of those thunder sticks almost nonstop. I mean when they were switching places between innings, WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK. It was driving my dad f***ing nuts. When I'm with someone who's agitated, I get agitated. But it was beyond suppressing, I couldn't focus, I couldn't crown, I couldn't hear the calls, the seventh inning stretch SUCKED, Take Me Out was sung at a different pace than the music...

Ever since that guy sat down and whacked, all hell broke loose. I didn't have the jedi mind control to suppress it and show off. Waste of a night. Pooh Holes won ironically.
My dad organized his garage. I'm ridiculously impressed, he was giving me the tour yesterday. He has ADHD too so it becomes chaos when the tools and parts just start piling up together when he has 14 projects going on at the same time. Every few years he just stops and reorganizes.


And he hooked up the sink (read: urinal) and set up a coffee pot so he doesn't have to go into the house ten times for refills in the morning. That was my job as a kid. "AME!" screamed from the garage to me watching cartoons. I wish I got a better pic of the coffee pot, it's bungee corded to the side of the water heater McGyver style. He said the sink area is a work-in-progress. :D


He's driving the truck out to Clay's game tonight. Who gets to drive the 53 f100 with a 68 302 Mustang engine tonight to Arcadia? THIS SONUVABITCH, THAT'S WHO. If I can talk him into it that is. He just put in a new air conditioner condenser coil, he might be all "I gotta pay attention to the engine." tonight. He does that when he changes the motor.


It doesn't take much in both directions. I'm volatile at the moment. Here's a discussion on "fixing the volatile" by some practicing alchemists, in my experience along with what impending insight that is in store will be also a rather large earth event, like an earthquake.

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If a man standing in a gutter in a blue shirt hating his haircut is enough to calm the shit down that was brewing in me last night, then I know I've found the one.
Why blood is thicker than grey water.


My dad hates his haircut.
My grandma hates her haircut.
My mom hates the idea of having a different haircut than the one she always has.
I hate my haircut.

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I think it looks amazing and not like a hobo if I read that right. :horny:
My real name. I never write it, I only hear it but it's what everyone calls me. Except my mom.

I just learned from my grandmother that her great grandmother was a full Algonquin Indian. My mammy's backyard has some RAINDANCE activity I need to start channeling for parched LA. :cool:

Also might explain why I have a bizarre allegiance to Canada even though I've never even been there. :squiffy: And I apparently have a ton of relatives in Denver I had no idea about.
This is pretty solid proof that what I think is happening isn't happening.

"Now, he is more hurtful. His latest album contains The Bullfighter Dies, a song – you will excuse me – musically and literarily tasteless, where he celebrates the death of any bullfighter. His argument is this: "My understanding is that those who attend want to see death: what is the difference between the death of the bull or the matador? Both are beings who want to live and which feel pain. The matador has the picador and other helpers that help him to torment the bull, who is alone and should have our sympathy. It is the matador who has decided that this occurs and the bull is the victim; human instinct should always be to protect the victim. Bullfighters are vermin: they should kill one another. "
Well, I'm not doing.
CALM DOWN. I took the METRO. I'm not thinking about MORTE.

I'm having a shitty f***ing day but I'm not stupid.
My greys are wiggin out.

Also I know it'll change stuff but maybe just another pretendsies for a filrt and keep in touch channel. With a finger on a newspaper or something for confirmation. I dunno. Something. Not full on, just a channel to keep in my pocket.

"Is now good?"


"Okay I'll check back.


This would be nice. This would be reparation and simmer me the f*** down.

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Pit crew takes care of their drivers. Here's some water. My snake pit crew is comprised of fumbling semi-retarded greys most the week. I'm tired.
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