Peter Doherty talks art, blues and Gibson guitars; mentions Morrissey and Marr - Gibson

An anonymous person posted the link:

Peter Doherty Talks Art, Blues and Gibson Guitars - Gibson


Who are your favorite songwriters and guitarists?

“I like a lot of old blues guitarists; Blind Blake, Mississippi John Hurt... I like the traditional stuff they'd do and then claim it as their own. I like a lot of country and western, things like Merle Haggard, Hank Williams. And Django Reinhardt. I love The Beatles, great songwriters.

“I like [The Smiths'] Morrissey and Marr... I've got a picture in my head of those two sat down in the kitchen writing songs and I can almost hear it - must have been a really special time. I can imagine Johnny Marr lost in his riffs and then like sort of looking up and wondering what Morrissey's warblin' on about. They had all angles covered, really, and they were both complete craftsmen. Morrissey never stopped writing great songs.”
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If you write a song like Forgive Someone, I'll forgive you for any klonker you might have put your name on in the past.
kudos on the Merle Haggard but ill still go mississippi fred
He's such a huge Morrissey and Marr far that he has no idea of their well-documented song-writing practice of working separately.

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