"List of the Lost" review by Benjamin Berton - Sun Burns Out (French/ English)

Neat don't always agree but a good review and he explains his position well. I think part of the issue expectations aside which i think he is correct on is relatability. Moz is a very unusual and awkward guy that people always seem to think speaks for them or there position or a person they can relate to In life when he probably does not share perspective with them and is not at all like them. This unusual life perspective doss put the reader outside a bit but being a different sorta person I wouldn't mind that and might apprieate it. Anyway nice to read so thanks for sharing
...Parce qu'en plus y a un dilemme??
C'est quoi, son dilemme, à Zaza?
Je lis "List of the Lost", ou je regarde "Deathgasm"?
Lawful good, or Awful bad?
Fromage, ou dessert?
Johnny D, ou Vanessa P?
Qui hésite encore?

(Awfully cute hero, btb.)
...Gros Bourrin Italien, ou Millionnaire Anglais?
Je dirais, ben, qui a des chances de réussir le mieux la 4 fromages?

Perso, je supporte pas le bleu. Le gros débile qui met du bleu sur ses 4 fromages mérite une mort lente et affreuse (take notes, la Montecarla. Might come and check.)
Pour moi ce sera Emmental, Mozzarella, Gouda, pointe de Comté.

Le reblochon aussi j'aime bien, mais ça a grave tendance à rester sur les hanches...
NB. Je suis foncièrement contre la peine de mort. Deux exceptions:

-les tarés qui mettent du bleu sur la 4 fromages (the end of civilizazation as we know it)
-les pédophiles.

People who insert penises in dead pigs, you say? Jury still out.
(Yes, it DOES depend on that time of the month, Linda. My. Aren't you ever a Bright One! :) )
neat to see him mention fitzgerald as well whom ive gone on about quite a bit here
An anonymous person writes:

Here is French (but accessible in English) first complete review of "List of the Lost" by French novel writer Benjamin Berton who is famous for his Morrissey cult (he has written many reviews and articles about Morrissey for 20 years). The site is a quite new indie rock site (bilingual) with a growing audience.

Morrissey / List of The Lost [Penguin Books] - Sun Burns Out

(scroll down for the English version)

I find this approach interesting, coming from a fan.
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(and tell Barney I'll beat up whover beat him up, for, this is home.)
I totally agree with him on Morrissey's "Bonanza analysis". It's so amusing, especially the part where it says "... when her own husband (George W. Bush) becomes America's latest Ben Cartwright ...". I couldn't stop laughing.
Berton tries very hard to walk the line of neutrality and not come across as the "fan boy" that he is (granted until the last paragraph) . I like the review but be warned that if you read this review, the whole book will be laid out . Meaning little surprise will be left for the reader of 'List of the lost ' to discover.
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